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July 6, 2015City Council Draft Minutes <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR9. <br />8.D.15-397 Staff Report for a Resolution Establishing the Composition, Defining <br />the Scope of Responsibility, and Appointing Members to the Measure <br />HH Oversight Committee <br />15-398 RESOLUTION Establishing the Composition, Defining the Scope of <br />Responsibility, and Appointing Members to the Measure HH Oversight <br />Committee <br />A motion was made by Vice Mayor Prola, seconded by Councilmember Reed, <br />that this resolution be adopted as amended to allow an officer or member in <br />the homeowner or neighborhood representation; and to include an attendance <br />requirement and an open and public application process at the end of the <br />3-year term. The motion carried by the following vote. <br />Aye:Cox, Cutter, Lee, Lopez, Prola, Reed, Thomas7 - <br />Enactment No: Reso 2015-122 <br />8.H.15-407 RESOLUTION Supporting the National Day of Action for Medicare’s <br />50th Birthday <br />A motion was made by Mayor Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Reed, that <br />this resolution be adopted as amended to replace the two instances of the <br />word "republican" with the word "current." The motion carried by the <br />following vote. <br />Aye:Cox, Cutter, Lee, Lopez, Prola, Reed, Thomas7 - <br />Enactment No: Reso 2015-123 <br />The City Council recessed from 8:52 p.m. to 9:01 p.m. <br />ACTION ITEMS10. <br />10.A.15-379 RESOLUTION Designating Voting Delegate and Alternate(s) for the <br />League of California Cities 2015 Annual Conference (provides for <br />discussion and designation of a voting delegate and alternate voting <br />delegate[s]) <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Lopez, seconded by Councilmember <br />Cox, that this resolution be adopted to designate Councilmember Thomas as <br />the voting delegate. The motion carried by an unanimous vote. <br />Another motion was made by Vice Mayor Prola, seconded by Mayor Cutter, to <br />designate Councilmember Lopez as the alternate. The motion carried by the <br />following vote. <br />Aye:Cox, Cutter, Lee, Lopez, Prola, Reed, Thomas7 - <br />Enactment No: Reso 2015-124 <br />Page 5City of San Leandro Printed on 7/7/2015