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File Number: 15-432 <br />participate in RCV, and must reimburse Alameda County for its proportionate share of <br />election costs. This includes staffing and printing costs and the licensing fee. Proportionate <br />shares are based on voter registration statistics in each city; San Leandro’s share of RCV <br />billing is 12.08%. <br />After the 2014 election the ROV submitted invoices to San Leandro for reimbursement costs <br />in the total amount of $177,954. <br />Given the difference between the allocated amount of $110,000 and the election costs of <br />$177,954, staff recommends that the City Council appropriate additional funds in the amount <br />of $67,954 to cover the remainder of election costs from the General Fund Economic <br />Uncertainty Reserve fund balance . <br />Analysis <br />San Leandro put forth two ballot measures in the November 2014 election - Measure HH and <br />Measure II. Measure II was relatively straightforward and required three pages in the sample <br />ballot book; however Measure HH was more robust and required seven pages. Given the <br />additional languages and increased staffing required by the ROV, the sheer length of Measure <br />HH resulted in a sharp increase in total election costs relative to previous elections. <br />In preparation for any upcoming election, the City Clerk’s office relies on voter registration <br />statistics, “cost per voter” estimates provided by the ROV, as well as the number of <br />candidates and measures the City will include on ballot cards. Budget allocation proposals for <br />the 2014 election were consistent with prior elections. However, due to the unanticipated <br />increase in languages and the compounded effect of additional staffing and printing costs, <br />coupled with the newly assessed licensing fees, the City’s 2014 election budget was <br />under-unfunded. <br />Given these variances, staff requests that the City Council appropriate $67,954 in additional <br />funds to cover election costs. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total cost to cover all remaining 2014 election expenses is $67,954, therefore a transfer <br />from the general fund economic uncertainty reserve fund balance. <br />Budget Authority <br />Election costs of $110,000 were appropriated in the 2014-15 Adopted Budget, account <br />number 010-11-031-5890, and in order to fully fund the actual expenditures, a transfer of <br />$67,954 from the General Fund Economic Uncertainty Reserve fund balance is requested. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />None. <br />PREPARED BY: Tamika Greenwood, City Clerk, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/14/2015