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File Number: 15-445 <br />WHEREAS, a staff report dated July 20, 2015 and incorporated herein by reference, <br />described and analyzed the proposed rezoning for the City Council; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council held a noticed public hearing on the rezoning on July 20, <br />2015, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council considered the certified EIR and all above-referenced <br />reports, recommendations and testimony prior to taking action on the rezoning and related <br />General Plan amendment; and <br />WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the City Council adopted Resolution 2015-126 <br />amending the General Plan land use designation for the proposed 12-acre residential portion <br />of the existing golf course, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ordain as <br />follows: <br />SECTION 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and made a part of <br />this ordinance. <br />SECTION 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. The City prepared an EIR for the Project, <br />including the rezoning. On July 20, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution 2015-125 <br />certifying the EIR, adopting environmental findings, a Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program prior to approving the Project, including <br />the rezoning. Resolution 2015-125 is incorporated herein by reference. <br />SECTION 3. FINDINGS. The City Council makes the following findings prior to <br />adopting this ordinance. <br />A. Pursuant to Zoning Code section 5-2712.C, the proposed zoning map amendment is <br />consistent with the policies of the General Plan. The residential rezoning for the golf course <br />site is consistent with the companion General Plan amendment as to residential uses and <br />density and implements General Plan goals and policies to increase new housing <br />opportunities in the City. The Community Commercial rezoning allows a mix of uses as <br />anticipated in General Plan Marina Policy 9.02 and related Action 9.02-A, and is consistent <br />with the existing General Commercial land use designation. The PD overlay further provides <br />a mechanism for establishing site- and project-specific development details to implement <br />General Plan and other applicable standards, as well as for reviewing how the Project will <br />implement CEQA mitigation measures through project and site design, subject to future <br />discretionary review in the Planned Development Project process. <br />B. Pursuant to Zoning Code section 5-2712.A and B, the proposed rezoning is consistent with <br />the notice and hearing provisions of Article 27 in that noticed public hearings were conducted <br />by both the Planning Commission and City Council. <br />C. Pursuant to Zoning Code sections 3-1008. B and C, the Planned Development Concept <br />Plan is consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and other applicable <br />policies of the General Plan and is compatible with surrounding development. The Planned <br />Development concept plan is shown in Figure 3-3 of the Draft EIR. The concept plan is <br />consistent with the General Plan uses and densities, as amended by the Project for the <br />proposed golf course residential use. The concept plan for the rest of the Project site is <br />consistent with the General Plan land use designation of General Commercial, which allows <br />for the array of mixed commercial, office, residential and other uses and amenities. The <br />concept plan also implements existing General Plan policies for development of the Marina <br />and provides housing, both in accordance with the Land Use Element. The flexibility provided <br />by the PD zoning overlay also allows the concept plan to be tailored to ensure and improve <br />compatibility with surrounding residential, recreational and other uses through a public review <br />process when the Planned Development Project application is submitted. The Concept Plan <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/21/2015