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an in-depth feasibility analysis of the opportunities and constraints to constructing a <br /> multi-use trail through this unique watershed corridor. <br /> 2. The Parties shall provide direction to the development of the Master Plan, including: <br /> • Participating in project kickoff meeting and monthly project meetings <br /> • Preparing an RFP and selecting a consultant team to prepare the Master Plan <br /> • Convening Technical Advisory Committee and Citizen Advisory Committee <br /> meetings <br /> • Conducting Community Workshops and Focus Groups <br /> • Presenting the Final Master Plan to their respective City Councils <br /> 3. The Parties agree that the Master Plan process will include, but not be limited to, the <br /> following deliverables: <br /> • Agenda, list of contacts/participants, sign-in sheets, presentation materials, meeting <br /> notes, summary of public input, and digital photos <br /> • RFP, contract, invoices, and quarterly reports <br /> • Data collection and analysis <br /> • Base map preparation <br /> • Development and distribution of outreach materials <br /> • Draft Master Plan <br /> • Final Master Plan <br /> 4. Oakland and RTC will each provide invoice packages per Caltrans requirements to San <br /> Leandro for the allocated grant funds. <br /> 5. The Parties agree to continue working cooperatively towards the development of the <br /> Master Plan, including obtaining approvals, if applicable, from their respective governing <br /> bodies or authorized representative. Nothing in this MOU, however, shall be interpreted <br /> to require that the Parties' governing bodies commit, in advance, to approving any aspect <br /> of the Master Plan. <br /> 6. Nothing in this MOU is intended to, nor does, waive any regulatory authority of the <br /> Parties. <br /> 7. Indemnification. No Party, nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any <br /> injury, damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by <br /> the other Parties, their officers, employees, agents or its subcontractors under or in <br /> connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction conferred upon a Party under this <br /> MOU and the Fund Transfer Agreement No. 74A0834 with Caltrans. It is understood and <br /> agreed that each Party, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors shall fully <br /> defend, indemnify and save harmless the other Parties and all of their officers and <br />