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MTC/City of San Leandro <br /> Bay Fair BART Transit Village Specific Plan EIR Funding Agreement <br /> Page 10 <br /> Task 12: Preliminary Draft Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan <br /> Based on the conclusions reached through completion of Tasks 1-10, the consultant team will <br /> prepare a Preliminary Draft Specific Plan that incorporates all of the deliverables mentioned <br /> under the above tasks. The Specific Plan will include but is not limited to the following items: <br /> • Goals and policies; <br /> • Land use plan with description of land uses and overall development potential; <br /> • Identification of opportunity sites and preferred development options, including <br /> photo-simulations for key development sites; <br /> • Development standards and/or form-based design guidelines to facilitate high quality <br /> transit-oriented development; <br /> • Policies to overcome any obstacles or constraints to meeting housing need at all income <br /> levels; <br /> • Parking standards and strategies for increased transit use and reduced parking; <br /> • Access improvements and design standards; <br /> • Pedestrian-oriented street improvements and design standards for the Specific Plan area; <br /> • Implementation program, including strategies to attract transit-oriented development, <br /> measures to remove development constraints, a phasing plan, and additional follow-up <br /> actions and public outreach efforts to implement the Specific Plan; and <br /> • Financing options for public/private development and public improvements, including <br /> strategies and timing for pursuing possible federal and state funding sources. <br /> Concurrent with preparation of the Specific Plan, the consultant team will prepare parallel <br /> Zoning Code amendments (and General Plan amendments if required)to implement the Specific <br /> Plan. This would include amending the Zoning Map such as creating a special zoning or overlay <br /> district for the Specific Plan area. <br /> Deliverable#12a: Preliminary Draft TOD Specific Plan <br /> Deliverable#12b: TAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Material and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#12c: CAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Material and Minutes <br /> (review and comment on Preliminary Draft TOD Specific Plan) <br /> Task 13: Public Review Draft Transit-Oriented Development Specific Plan <br /> Based on CAC and TAC input, a Public Review Draft Specific Plan will be prepared and <br /> circulated for formal public review and comment. During the public review period, City staff <br /> and CAC members will also conduct active public outreach by presenting the Specific Plan to <br /> homeowner associations, the Downtown Association, Chamber of Commerce, and other <br /> interested groups to solicit comments. A community workshop will also be conducted by the <br /> consultant team on the Public Review Draft to receive public input. A CAC meeting will be held <br /> to receive the CAC's formal and final recommendations on the Draft Specific Plan and General <br /> Plan and/or Zoning Code Amendments. The Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing <br /> and forward a recommendation to the City Council on the Draft Specific Plan (including <br /> recommendations for Zoning Code and/or General Plan amendments). <br />