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MTC/City of San Leandro <br /> Bay Fair BART Transit Village Specific Plan EIR Funding Agreement <br /> Page 5 <br /> Task 3: Market Demand Analysis <br /> The consultant will prepare a preliminary report on the potential market demand for transit- <br /> oriented development in the study area with consideration of the benefits and constraints of <br /> Bayfair Center, BART, and AC Transit. The market analysis will examine all forms of potential <br /> development, including ownership and rental housing in a range of pricing, office, retail and <br /> mixed-use development. This analysis will include .a feasibility assessment of providing <br /> affordable (e.g., very low, low and moderate income) and market rate housing to various <br /> household sizes, which may help inform the preparation of Task and result in cost savings for <br /> Task 5 ("Affordable Housing and Anti-Displacement Strategy). The market analysis will <br /> consider the financial feasibility of each development type based on current and projected land <br /> and development costs, potential lease rates and sale prices, current City development standards <br /> and fees, compatibility with surrounding uses, and other pertinent factors. Housing and mixed- <br /> use developers, including for-profit and non-profit firms, will be interviewed (possibly through a <br /> Developer's Symposium) to determine the market, financial, regulatory and other factors that <br /> would affect their decision to build a transit-oriented project within the study area. The analysis <br /> will provide input to the Alternatives Analysis and selection of a Preferred Alternative. <br /> Deliverable#3a: Market Demand Analysis Report <br /> Deliverable#3b: TAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#3c: CAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Task 4: Affordable Housing and Anti-Displacement Strategy <br /> Taking into account the findings of Task 1 (PDA Profile) and Task 3 (Market Demand Analysis), <br /> the consultant will develop a strategy to provide existing and future planning area residents with <br /> a range of housing options that are affordable to households at all income levels. This Strategy <br /> will quantify the need for affordable housing and identify policies and actions to meet this need, <br /> including potential Specific Plan policy recommendations (e.g., zoning changes, incentives, etc) <br /> to address any obstacles to providing affordable housing identified in Task 3 (Market Demand <br /> Analysis). <br /> To limit or prevent displacement in the planning area, the strategy should identify how non- <br /> subsidized affordable housing units in or near the area may be impacted by the plan build-out. <br /> The strategy should describe existing preservation policies to maintain neighborhood <br /> affordability (including acquisition and/or rehabilitation of existing affordable housing units) and <br /> additional zoning changes or policies needed. <br /> The Affordable Housing and Anti-Displacement Strategy will be presented at a community <br /> workshop. <br /> Deliverable#4a: Affordable Housing and Anti-Displacement Strategy Report <br /> Deliverable#4b: TAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#4c: CAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Material and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#4d: Community Workshop-Agenda/Meeting Material and Summary of <br /> Feedback <br />