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MTC/City of San Leandro <br /> Bay Fair BART Transit Village Specific Plan EIR Funding Agreement <br /> Page 6 <br /> Task 5: Alternatives Analysis <br /> The consultant will prepare a minimum of three draft long-term alternatives or visions for the <br /> TOD/PDA plan, assess the feasibility of implementing each alternative with a focus on the <br /> identified opportunity sites. Supporting maps (i.e., land use, circulation, density/form) for each <br /> alternative must be included. Photo-simulations and visual massing studies are highly <br /> recommended for each alternative if feasible, but are required for the preferred option. The <br /> alternatives should include an analysis of potentially incompatible land uses and resulting <br /> consequences/issues. For the purpose of policy discussion and environmental assessment, the <br /> alternatives will contrast different land use compositions and development intensities. A detailed <br /> breakdown of the development potential under each land use alternative will be prepared. The <br /> consultant will also prepare preliminary pro forma analyses to test the feasibility of specific <br /> development options on key opportunity sites, including an assessment of incentives and other <br /> policies required to meet the housing needs identified in Tasks 3 and 4 above. Staff and <br /> consultant will solicit input from interested developers to test the market and financial feasibility <br /> of the land use alternatives. <br /> The PDA Profile Report, Community Involvement Strategy, Alternatives Analysis and Market <br /> Demand Analysis will be presented at a community workshop for public education and initial <br /> feedback. Following public input and based on the findings of the Alternatives Analysis, a <br /> Preferred(Development)Alternative will be identified. <br /> Deliverable#5a: Alternatives Analysis Memo <br /> Deliverable#5b: TAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#5c: CAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Deliverable #5d: Community Workshop — Agenda/Meeting Materials and Summary of <br /> Feedback <br /> Task 6: Multi-modal Access and Connectivity <br /> This plan or report will identify pedestrian access and circulation patterns, bicycle access and <br /> circulation plans,transit connectivity, and auto circulation routes. The consultant will prepare <br /> strategies for transportation demand management(TDM) improving bus access to rail stations <br /> and frequency of feeder services (in consultation with transit providers) as well as pedestrian, <br /> bicycle and auto access and safety. Multi-modal connections between the transit stations and <br /> higher density housing, surrounding neighborhood amenities, activity nodes (including outside of <br /> the planning area), and open space should be emphasized. Opportunities for new and/or <br /> improved non-auto connections should be identified. <br /> Deliverable#6a: Multi-modal Access and Connectivity Plan/Memo <br /> Task 7: Pedestrian-friendly Design/Placemaking & Accessible Design Guidelines <br />