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MTC/City of San Leandro <br /> Bay Fair BART Transit Village Specific Plan EIR Funding Agreement <br /> Page 8 <br /> Deliverable#8b: TAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#8c: CAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Task 9: Infrastructure Development and Budget <br /> The consultant will prepare an analysis of current and future public infrastructure and facilities <br /> needed in the planning area(including schools, libraries,parks, sewers,parking, and other <br /> facilities)to serve the existing and future needs of the anticipated population in the planning <br /> area. This task will include an assessment of opportunities to utilize resource efficient <br /> infrastructure and further the City's Climate Action Plan. In addition to providing cost estimates, <br /> financing strategies should include specific mechanisms to fund necessary improvements, <br /> expansions and maintenance of existing services and prioritization of strategies. <br /> Deliverable#9a: Infrastructure Development and Budget Memo <br /> Deliverable#9b: TAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#9c: CAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Task 10: Implementation Plan and Financing Strategy <br /> The consultant will prepare a plan containing a list of measurable actions to implement goals of <br /> the Specific Plan (including Zoning Code and/or General Plan amendments), strategies to attract <br /> transit-oriented development(including transportation demand strategies), measures to remove <br /> development constraints, a phasing plan, estimated timeline for implementation/completion, <br /> responsible departments/agencies, cost estimates, and potential revenue sources. <br /> Deliverable#10a: Implementation Plan and Financing Strategy <br /> Deliverable#10b: TAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#10c: CAC Meeting—Agenda/Meeting Materials and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#10d: Planning Commission meeting(or work session) -Agenda/Meeting <br /> Material and Minutes <br /> Deliverable#10e: City Council meeting(or work session) -Agenda/Meeting Material and <br /> Minutes <br /> Task 11: California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)Environmental Document <br /> The consultant will be responsible for preparing and completing the environmental impact report <br /> (EIR) to ensure consistency between the Specific Plan and CEQA. For cost-savings and <br /> efficiency purpose, the consultant shall make use of existing environmental documentation (e.g., <br /> technical analyses,planning documents, government regulations, etc.). <br /> Key tasks to be performed or prepared by the consultant for the EIR include, but are not limited <br /> to the following: <br /> • Define project <br /> • Data review and preparation of existing conditions <br /> • Assess EIR scoping topics with City staff <br />