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• Alternatives Analysis <br /> • Affordable Housing and Anti-Displacement Strategy <br /> • Multi-modal Access and Connectivity, including Transportation Demand <br /> Management <br /> • Pedestrian-friendly Design/Placemaking and Accessible Design Guidelines <br /> • Parking Analysis <br /> • Infrastructure Development and Budget <br /> • Implementation Plan and Financing Strategy <br /> • California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Environmental Document <br /> • Preliminary Draft Specific Plan including Zoning Code amendments (and General <br /> Plan amendments if required) <br /> • Public Review Draft Specific Plan <br /> • Final Specific Plan and Implementation <br /> 5. The Parties will collaborate on identifying proposed and appropriate land uses for all <br /> property in the Project Area. <br /> 6. When requested by the City, BART, the County, and MM will provide timely access to <br /> and copies of existing plans and surveys of their property within the Project Area to the <br /> City. <br /> 7. BART and MM will each contribute $15,000 towards the local match requirement in the <br /> PDA Grant to fund the development of the Specific Plan as follows. BART and MM shall <br /> each contribute $7,500 upon completion of each of the following two deliverables: <br /> Priority Development Area Profile and Preliminary Draft Specific Plan. Payment will be <br /> made within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice from the City, made by check <br /> payable to the City. The City shall be released from its obligations under this MOU by <br /> notifying the parties specified in Paragraph 10 herein in writing if it does not timely <br /> receive the payments from BART and MM as specified in this Paragraph 7. <br /> 8. The Parties agree to continue working cooperatively towards the development of the <br /> Specific Plan, including obtaining approvals, if applicable, from the respective governing <br /> bodies or authorized representative. Nothing in this MOU, however, shall be interpreted <br /> to require that the Parties' governing bodies commit, in advance, to approving any aspect <br /> of the Specific Plan, including, but not limited to, certification of the EIR. <br /> 9. Nothing in this MOU is intended to, nor does, waive any regulatory authority of the <br /> Parties. <br /> 10. The Parties shall each appoint a Project Manager and any formal contacts, and any notice <br /> given pursuant to this MOU will be given in writing, via electronic mail, facsimile, or <br /> department letterhead, addressed to recipient as follows: <br />