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Business Plan Summary and Budgets <br />Introduction & Executive Summary <br />Harborside Health Center was one of the first medical cannabis dispensaries licensed by the City of <br />Oakland, the first city in the United States to license medical cannabis distribution. Since its opening, <br />Harborside has earned a worldwide reputation for establishing the gold standard for medical <br />cannabis dispensaries and been granted numerous awards and honors. We now seek to bring our <br />distinctive patient and community -centric approach to the City of San Leandro. <br />Harborside San Leandro (HSL) is a new Not -For -Profit entity closely affiliated with Harborside Health <br />Center (HHC, or Harborside Oakland). HSL will feature a dynamic partnership between medical <br />cannabis industry veterans, local San Leandro residents with deep ties to the community, and <br />other skilled professionals with expertise in diverse areas including business operations, nonprofit <br />operations, patient services, legal compliance, finance, quality assurance, and more. <br />Several HHC founders and veterans will assist HSL in implementing HHC's best -in -class operating <br />procedures and premium patient experience. HHC will also support HSL by providing some critical <br />functions such as medicine intake, packaging, and social media management. This arrangement will <br />allow HSL to operate more efficiently, reduce costs, and improve security by eliminating individual <br />patient -cultivators entering and exiting the site with medicine in bulk. These transfers will instead <br />take place at HHC, which has a spotless eight-year safety record. In addition, HSL will implement the <br />same level of community engagement and support that earned HHC an official Commendation for <br />Community Service from the Alameda County Board of Supervisors and a benevolent relationship <br />with the City of Oakland. <br />Mayor Jean Quan observes that, "the entire community of Oakland also sees the positive impact of <br />Harborside's operations... Harborside enthusiastically participates in a number of community events <br />and initiatives... demonstrating the dispensary's commitment to enhancing the community it calls <br />home." (See Attachment F.) <br />Harborside San Leandro's people, procedures, and policies will <br />build a world-class, gold standard dispensary that San Leandro— <br />or any city—would be proud of for years to come. <br />Attached is a checklist detailing HSL's compliance with the San Leandro Municipal Code. <br />(See Attachment G.) <br />Application to Operate a Medical Cannabis Dispensary. Harborside Health Center -San Leandro. January 15, 2015. <br />