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10A Action 2015 0908
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2015 0908
10A Action 2015 0908
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9/2/2015 11:58:00 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Business Plan Summary and Budgets <br />Membership Verification <br />HSL Security staff will require new and returning members provide a legal form of ID prior to entering <br />the building. The ID must contain a name, photograph, residential address, date of birth, expiration <br />date, and will be limited to one of the following: <br />1) Driver's License 2) State -issued ID card 3) U.S. Military ID card 4) Passport <br />Upon verification of the required form of ID, Security staff will announce the patient's arrival and <br />membership status on handheld radio and the patient will be invited to proceed to the dispensary <br />reception area for further verification. New patients will be interviewed by Member Services staff, <br />who will first verify that the recommending doctor is in good standing with the Medical Board <br />of California, and then verify the written recommendation with the recommending doctor. After <br />reviewing HSL rules, new patients will be invited to sign a membership agreement, after which they <br />will be entered into the MJ Freeway patient database as current members. The MJ Freeway software <br />system is a comprehensive seed -to -sale tracking system approved for use in state dispensary <br />systems for both medical and adult use cannabis distribution. <br />Membership agreements will require patients to agree not to distribute cannabis to non-members <br />and not to use it for other than medical purposes.' After completing and signing all verification and <br />membership requirements2, new patients will be granted access to make purchases and receive <br />patient services .3 Returning patients will be verified in MJ Freeway database as current members <br />and the expiration date of their recommendation will be continuously tracked .4 These procedures <br />will ensure that only qualified and duly verified members can enter the dispensary' and access its <br />products and services .6 <br />Patient Experience <br />HSL will create a tranquil and inviting environment welcoming to a wide diversity of patients, <br />managed by world-class cannabis experts, and "safer than a National Guard armory"' Interior <br />elements will include a peaceful and elegant design, natural materials, spotless cleanliness, soothing <br />background music, fresh flowers, and seasonal decoration. Our objective is to create a professional <br />health care environment without the sterile feeling of many medical facilities. Other key aspects <br />of our approach will include exceptionally well-trained and friendly staff with deep and accurate <br />product knowledge, a vast selection of lab -tested medicine, minimal patient wait times, and abundant <br />information, classes, and support groups. <br />HSL culture will feature a focus on wellness, not intoxication, which will be reflected in all aspects of our <br />operations, from marketing to staff training to sales procedures. We will demonstrate that cannabis can <br />be distributed in a way that brings benefits to San Leandro patients and community. <br />Attorney General Guidelines Section IV. B. 3. (b -c) (p.9). <br />Attorney General Guidelines Section IV. B. 3. (p.9). <br />Attorney General Guidelines Section IV. B. 3. (p.9). <br />Attorney General's Guideline Section IV. B. 3. (e) (p.9); Current intention and practice is to use <br />MJ Freeway's premier software suite for inventory tracking, sales, and membership database, however <br />HSL may switch software providers in the future if a superior service offers equivalent or better function. <br />San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(a)(4). <br />San Leandro Municipal Code Sections 4-33-200(d)(3)(i) and 4-33-500(a)(3). <br />Comment by Oakland Police Department Robbery Abatement Officer to <br />Steve DeAngelo re: review of HHC Oakland's level of security. <br />Application to Operate a Medical Cannabis Dispensary. Harborside Health Center -San Leandro. January 15, 2015. 3 <br />
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