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10A Action 2015 0908
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2015 0908
10A Action 2015 0908
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9/2/2015 11:58:00 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Business Plan Summary and Budgets <br />Concentrates are extracts of the active components of cannabis. HSL will offer patients <br />approximately 30 varieties of concentrates, including at least one CBD -rich (low -THC) variety. <br />Concentrates will be dispensed in one -gram retail packages. <br />Topicals are medical cannabis products applied directly to the skin, such as creams, sprays, <br />balms, salves, and ointments. HSL will offer approximately 20 varieties of topicals; none <br />produce any psychoactive effect, but all are effective for a wide range of skin and muscular <br />disorders. Topicals are packaged in a variety of sizes and containers. <br />Cuttings (or clones) are small, rooted cannabis cuttings with no visible flowers. HSL will offer <br />a minimum of five varieties of cuttings, for sale to members who are legally able and prefer <br />to grow their own medicine. Cuttings will be checked daily for pests, mold, mildew, and other <br />contaminants. They are packaged in plastic trays and paper bags. <br />Seeds will also be offered for patients who prefer to self -cultivate. HSL will regularly keep <br />approximately 60 varieties in stock. They are usually packaged in paper envelopes, like other <br />flower and vegetable seeds. <br />Accessories include vaporizers, medicine safes, pipes, rolling papers, books, and other non - <br />cannabis sundries. HSL will offer a limited selection of accessories for members' convenience <br />and to encourage them to explore the healthiest methods of ingesting cannabis. <br />► CLOSED-CIRCUIT OPERATION <br />HSL will establish closed-circuit supply and distribution by sourcing its cannabis products <br />exclusively from members in good standing of the greater Harborside collective,9 which is currently <br />served by existing locations in Oakland and San Jose. The HSL membership agreement will entitle <br />new members to access products and services, and provide medicine at all Harborside locations. <br />Intake and sales of medicine at all locations will be tracked in a unified patient database, keeping <br />all acquisition and distribution of cannabis within a closed circuit of verified medical cannabis <br />patients.10 MJ Freeway will track patient and inventory numbers to ensure that the inventory on <br />site never exceeds that approved by the City of San Leandro.11 The unified MJ Freeway database <br />will ensure no patient is dispensed more than two ounces per week, no matter which Harborside <br />location or locations are being accessed, or the number of transactions that take place. <br />Member deliveries and intake of medicine will be conducted at the Oakland location, which is <br />equipped with on-site testing apparatus, is staffed by the most experienced cannabis experts in <br />the industry, and can accommodate greater patient flow. This approach will minimize traffic at <br />the San Leandro location, optimize product selection and quality control, and reduce costs. <br />9 Attorney General Guidelines Section IV. B. 5. (p.9). <br />10 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-200(d)(3)(ii). <br />11 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-500(a)(6). <br />Application to Operate a Medical Cannabis Dispensary. Harborside Health Center -San Leandro. January 15, 2015. 5 <br />
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