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Business Plan Summary and Budgets <br />Legal Conformance <br />HSL's legal conformance with state and local laws, and the Attorney General's Guidelines, is <br />footnoted in detail throughout this application packet. HSL retains expert legal counse124 to advise <br />it on conformance not only during inception and startup, but also on an ongoing basis, as the legal <br />environment is dynamic and ever changing. HSL's key legal conformance standards include: <br />Compliance with Calif. Health & Safety Code §11362.5 by including only qualified patients and <br />primary caregivers in its membership. <br />• Compliance with Calif. Health & Safety Code §11362.7 et seq., and the Attorney General's <br />guidelines by facilitating the collective association of patients and caregivers to produce and <br />distribute medical cannabis in a closed circuit amongst themselves, and only themselves .21 <br />• Compliance with every Attorney General's Guideline for dispensaries, as indicated throughout <br />this application (see citations to specific AGG sections); including guidelines regarding <br />business form, member verification, taxes, non -diversion, records, closed-circuit supply <br />and distribution, security provisions, cost allocation, possession limits, cash handling, and <br />nuisance prevention. <br />• Compliance with the US Department of Justice's eight guidelines for cannabis distribution .26 <br />• Regularly updated compliance with California's evolving appellate case law. <br />• Compliance with all applicable local codes, including City Building Code, Fire Code, Plumbing <br />Code, and Electrical Code .27 <br />Premises <br />Location: Harborside San Leandro will be located at 130 Doolittle Dr., which is comprised of two <br />suites in a business park environment with 4320 square feet of total available space. The suites are <br />joined, and have two front -facing main entrances. The entire space is configured with up-to-date <br />fire suppression and sprinklers. Adjacent businesses include a garden supply store and a chocolate <br />manufacturer, both of which are friendly to our use. Convenient vehicle access is provided from Davis <br />St., 98th Ave., or Hegenberger Rd. from 1-880, and public transportation is available within one city <br />block (0.3 miles) via the #73 Bus stop at Hegenberger Rd. and Doolittle Dr. <br />The property is zoned Industrial Genera 128 and is located over 1000 feet from any public or private <br />school, public library, youth center (serving ages 18 and under), parks and recreation facility, facility <br />of religious worship and incidental religious education, or another dispensary, and 500 feet from a <br />residential zone .21 (See Attachment E, Site Survey.) <br />24 HSUs attorney, James Anthony, has nine years of experience working exclusively in medical cannabis dispensary <br />compliance following his three years as an Oakland City Attorney Community/Nuisance Prosecutor (Neighborhood Law <br />Corps). <br />25 Attorney General Guidelines Section IV. B. 4. (p.9); San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-200(d)(2) <br />26 Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole, Memorandum For All United States Attorneys, Subject: Guidance Regarding <br />Marijuana Enforcement, August 29, 2013. <br />27 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-300(a). <br />28 San Leandro Municipal Code Section 4-33-200(c)(1). <br />29 San Leandro Municipal Code Sections 4-33-200(d)(1); 4-33-200(c)(1). <br />Application to Operate a Medical Cannabis Dispensary. Harborside Health Center -San Leandro. January 15, 2015. 9 <br />