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File Number: 15-534 <br />Finally, the General Plan encourages revisions to the City’s parking standards to more <br />easily accommodate shared parking. The following General Plan policy addresses this <br />need: <br />Policy 59.02-A Amendments to the Parking Requirements - Consider, and if <br />appropriate amend, the parking standards in the San Leandro Zoning Code to <br />incorporate changes including 1) elimination of guest parking requirements for <br />buildings with less than 4 units, and 2) provide greater incentives and provisions <br />for shared parking for mixed use projects and projects in transit-oriented <br />development areas. <br />The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code would allow more amenities in the industrial <br />and commercial zones and will implement business development goals by encouraging <br />adaptive re-use of vacant industrial buildings. Additionally, they would comply more closely <br />with Federal and State and regulatory guidelines concerning wireless telecommunications <br />facilities and housing and would amend the City’s parking requirements to allow shared <br />parking in mixed-use districts. The proposed changes would also minimize the cost and time <br />associated with development review, while still adequately addressing community and <br />environmental concerns by streamlining the permitting process for projects that are consistent <br />with the General Plan. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed amendments to the Zoning Code are exempt from environmental review, per <br />Section 15061(b)(3 ) of the CEQA Guidelines, under the general rule exemption that provides <br />where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may <br />have a significant effect on the environment that the activity is not subject to CEQA. Section <br />15305, Minor Alteration in Land Use Limitations also applies. In addition, CEQA defines <br />“project” as an activity that may result in either a direct physical change in the environment or <br />a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment (Public Resources <br />Code Section 21065). The approval of the proposed zoning code text amendments does not <br />approve any development project, nor does it either directly or indirectly disturb the physical <br />environment. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />On August 6, 2015, Planning staff presented to the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) for its <br />comments on the proposed Zoning Code amendments. The Board’s primary comments <br />were: <br />A) Delete the proposed changes preventing customers from visiting Home Occupations; <br />B) Provide more quantification regarding the Brewpub definition; <br />C) Eliminate wording such as “upscale” and “gently used” in the Consignment definition; <br />D) Consider changing the clarification that “adjacent to BART” means “within ¼ mile of <br />BART;” and <br />E) Revisit the issue of Live Music. <br />The complete discussion of this matter at the August 6 BZA meeting can be heard on the City <br />of San Leandro website at < <br />Page 9 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/15/2015