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2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION REFERRED TO ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES POLIO' COMMITTEE <br />1. RESOLUTION RELATING TO LEAGUE BYLAWS AMENDMENTS REGARDING <br />SUCCESSION OF LEAGUE OFFICES TO FILL VACANCIES <br />Source: League Board of Directors <br />Referred to: Administrative Services Policy Committee <br />Recommendation to General Resolutions Committee: <br />WHEREAS, the League of California Cities' is a nonprofit mutual benefit corporation under <br />California law and, as such, is governed by corporate bylaws; and <br />WHEREAS, the League's Board of Directors periodically reviews the League's bylaws for <br />issues of clarity, practicality, compliance with current laws, and responsiveness to membership interests; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, on two occasions in recent years when vacancies arose in office of President of the <br />Board of Directors after disappointing reelection results, the vacancy was filled in accordance with the <br />League Bylaws by the First Vice President becoming President at the next Board meeting. This left a <br />vacancy in the office of First Vice President that was filled by the Board by advancing the Second Vice <br />President. This required recruiting a new Second Vice President that the Board chose, as provided in the <br />Bylaws, from the ranks of the Board itself; and <br />WHEREAS, in September 2014 the Board chose a new Second Vice President as usual and also <br />a new First Vice President who had not previously served as Second Vice President because the prior <br />Second Vice President was elected to county office and was no longer eligible. When the President was <br />not reelected in November 2014, the First Vice President advanced to the office of President with only <br />two months of experience as a League officer. Additionally, the Second Vice President was advanced to <br />First Vice President; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Directors believe this confluence of events twice in recent years <br />demonstrates a weakness in the succession of League offices required by the League Bylaws because the <br />accelerated advancement of officers in the event of a vacancy in the office of President may deprive the <br />junior officers and the League of adequate time to serve and develop expertise and relationships in the <br />offices of Second and First Vice President; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the unanimous recommendation of the League Board that the League <br />membership amend article VIII, section 4, of the League bylaws to allow the Immediate Past President to <br />fill an unexpected vacancy in the office of President for the unexpired term if the Immediate Past <br />President agrees. if not, the current succession process would occur; and now, therefore, be it, <br />RESOLVED, by the General Assembly of the League of California Cities assembled in Annual <br />Conference in San Jose, October 2, 2015, that article VIII, section 4 of the League bylaws be amended to <br />read as follows: <br />