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LFE A�GoU E° <br />CITIES <br />August 17, 2015 <br />1400 K Street, Suite 400 • Sacramento, California 95814 <br />Phone: 916.658.8200 Fax: 916.658.8240 <br /> <br />TO: Mayors, City Managers and City Clerks <br />League Board of Directors <br />RE: Annual Conference Resolutions Packet <br />Notice of League Annual Meeting <br />Enclosed please find the 2015 Annual Conference Resolutions Packet. <br />Annual Conference in San Jose. This year's League Annual Conference will be held September 30 — <br />October 2 in San Jose. The conference announcement has previously been sent to all cities and we hope <br />that you and your colleagues will be able to join us. More information about the conference is available on <br />the League's Web site at We look forward to welcoming city officials to the <br />conference. <br />CIosing Luncheon/General Assembly - Friday, October 2, 12:00 p.m. The League's General Assembly <br />Meeting will be held at the San Jose Convention Center. <br />Resolutions Packet. At the Annual Conference, the League will consider four resolutions introduced by <br />the deadline, Saturday, August 1, 2015, midnight. These resolutions are included in this packet. <br />Resolutions submitted to the General Assembly must be concurred in by five cities or by city officials from <br />at least five or more cities. These letters of concurrence are included with this packet. We request that you <br />distribute this packet to your city council. <br />We encourage each city council to consider these resolutions and to determine a city position so that <br />your voting delegate can represent your city's position on each resolution. A copy of the resolution packet is <br />posted on the League's website for your convenience:,/resolutions. <br />The resolutions packet contains additional information related to consideration of the resolution at the <br />Annual Conference. This includes the date, time and location of the meetings at which the resolution will <br />be considered. <br />Voting Delegates. Each city council is encouraged to designate a voting delegate and two alternates to <br />represent their city at the General Assembly Meeting. A letter asking city councils to designate their voting <br />delegate and two alternates has already been sent to each city. If your city has not yet appointed a voting <br />delegate, please contact Meg Desmond at (916) 658-8224 or email: <br />------- ----- <br />Please Bring This Packet to the Annual Conference - - <br />September 30 — October 2, San Jose <br />--------------------------------------------------------- <br />