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INFORMATION AND PROCEDURES <br />RESOLUTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PACKET: The League bylaws provide that resolutions shall <br />be referred by the president to an appropriate policy committee for review and recommendation. <br />Resolutions with committee recommendations shall then be considered by the General Resolutions <br />Committee at the Annual Conference. <br />This year, four resolutions have been introduced for consideration by the Annual Conference and referred to <br />the League policy committees. <br />POLICY COMMITTEES: Four policy committees will meet at the Annual Conference to consider and take <br />action on the resolution referred to them. The committees are Administrative Services; Environmental Quality; <br />Housing, Community and Economic Development; and Revenue and Taxation. These committees will meet on <br />Wednesday, September 30, 2015, at the Hilton San Jose. The sponsors of the resolutions have been notified of <br />the time and location of the meetings. <br />GENERAL RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: This committee will meet at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 1, <br />at the San Jose Convention Center, to consider the reports of the four policy committees regarding the <br />resolutions. This committee includes one representative from each of the League's regional divisions, functional <br />departments and standing policy committees, as well as other individuals appointed by the League president. <br />Please check in at the registration desk for room location. <br />ANNUAL LUNCHEONBUSINESS MEETING/GENERAL ASSEMBLY: This meeting will be held at <br />12:00 p.m. on Friday, October 2, at the San Jose Convention Center. <br />PETITIONED RESOLUTIONS: For those issues that develop after the normal 60 -day deadline, a <br />resolution may be introduced at the Annual Conference with a petition signed by designated voting <br />delegates of 10 percent of all member cities (47 valid signatures required) and presented to the Voting <br />Delegates Desk at least 24 hours prior to the time set for convening the Annual Business Meeting of the <br />General Assembly. This year, that deadline is 12:00 p.m., Thursday, October 1. Resolutions can be viewed <br />on the League's Web site: <br />Any questions concerning the resolutions procedures may be directed to Meg Desmond at the League <br />office: or (916) 658-8224 <br />