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File Number: 15-579 <br />1.113. Announcements <br />P# a]R*0111*1IQ►a1194 &I <br />2.A. Discussion Regarding Energy and Water Efficiency Projects Update <br />Climatec shared an update on the findings of their feasibility assessment, discussed the City's <br />energy consumption and distribution, presented potential cost cutting solutions, along with <br />self -funding potential and requested the Committee's feedback. Sun Power is Solar Power <br />subconsultant. <br />Climatec reviewed, per the requirements of the RFP: electric, water, heating/cooling; building <br />automation system throughout the entire City; LED lighting for interior/exterior buildings; LED <br />street lights with automated controls; irrigation automation system with weather data and leak <br />detection system; more efficient pool heating system and; solar energy to help reduce cost <br />and consumption. <br />• Water usage highest at Marina Park, greenbelts and Stenzel Park <br />• HVAC needs replacement at the Marina Community Center, Main Library and City Hall <br />and Council Chambers <br />• The boiler at Farrelly Pool is at the end of its useful life; a new boiler will be more <br />efficient <br />• Building automation system using Johnson Control should be extended to the Manor <br />Library, South Library, and Aquatics Center <br />• Street lights and interior lights should be retrofitted with LED to drop consumption to <br />50%, while providing better light quality <br />Discussed benefits of a Mesh Network System for detailed control of street lights and <br />batteries. WPCP would benefit from solar power. Initial estimate is a project cost of <br />approximately $8 million with annual savings of about $500 to $750 thousand and life cycle <br />savings between $13-$16 million. If the City is interested into a self -funding approach, <br />Climatec recommends subsidized funding (for alternative energy) from agencies such as <br />Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREB <br /><>). Next step is detailed <br />assessment to be reviewed by Committee in December and full Council review in February for <br />implementation authorization. At the Committee's request, Climatec will provide funding <br />solutions, CREB information and Climatec's presentation to D. Pollart for distribution to the <br />Committee. Measurement and verification process is required to ensure that project is <br />self-funded. <br />2.113. Discussion Regarding Exploratorium Interactive Exhibit at Joaquin Plaza <br />J. Kay provided an update on the Living Innovation Zones project planned for the Joaquin <br />Plaza. He described the seating prototype, its physical and sound design and commented <br />how it is an architectural fit for the plaza. J. Kay's research returned positive feedback from <br />the public. Phase 2 is going into effect and will drive the project quickly into full development. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 10113/2015 <br />