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File Number: 15-579 <br />The concern of the Committee is its safety design (behavioral) and the potential for additional <br />design(s) (rotation). C. Zapata asked about the effect, if any, the sound will have on pets. J. <br />Kay will ask the designers and get back to the Committee. <br />2.C. Regarding City Video Camera <br />R. Pio Roda provided information to the Committee on the current City surveillance camera <br />inventory. <br />2.D. Project Updates <br />K. Cooke updated Committee on current City projects: <br />• San Leandro Bikeway East project - Completed. Bike lane and Class 2 Bike lane and <br />signage have been implemented east of the railroad line. <br />• Street Sealing project - Nearly complete. Only the striping and bike lanes are needed. <br />• West Juana - Currently under construction. Underground work is currently underway, <br />along with drainage, bulb -outs and cross walks. <br />• Street Rehab project - Preliminary work is underway on Dabner and Georgetown <br />Streets. A ribbon cutting is scheduled for late October. <br />• Street Calming project - Complete listing of street calming being advertised on <br />Nextdoor as well as door hangars placed on residents doors. <br />• Accessible Pedestrian Signals - Improvements underway at 15 intersections to make <br />them completely accessible; funding from grants and Measure B. <br />• Siempre Verde Park - To be awarded at tonight's City Council Meeting. Project is <br />under budget, which allows for the irrigation well, canopies and additional tables to be <br />included. The Park will open on time and optional features listed above will be fully <br />implemented. <br />2.E. Discussion Regarding Future Agenda Items <br />K. Cooke reviewed future agenda items for the October 6, 2015 meeting. <br />Mayor Cutter spoke about Oakes Boulevard. It is a main bike route but the condition of the <br />street is hazardous for bicycle riders. She asked when repairs may take place and asked that <br />staff notify citizens with updates of the improvement. <br />Councilmember Reed asked staff to be cognizant about number of items on the agenda and <br />requested to limit the number of items so there would be more time for in-depth questions to <br />be asked of presenters. K. Cooke will try to limit the number of topics to two. <br />Councilmember Lopez would like to keep the Neighborhood Traffic Calming project on the <br />October agenda. She also asked for the results on the application process. <br />Councilmember Lopez asked for another public outreach regarding the Bikeway project, with <br />more focus on benefits for residents. With the recent incident at Washington Elementary <br />School, staff should strive to consistently get the information out to the public in a timely <br />manner. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 10113/2015 <br />