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File Number: 15-572 <br />unless physical modifications or alterations are undertaken that materially change the size, <br />type, or components of a small rooftop energy system in such a way as to require new <br />permitting. Routine operation and maintenance or like-kind replacements shall not require a <br />permit. <br />7-5-215 SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. <br />(a)All solar energy systems shall meet applicable health and safety standards and <br />requirements imposed by the state and the City. <br />(b)Solar energy systems for heating water in single-family residences and for heating <br />water in commercial or swimming pool applications shall be certified by an accredited listing <br />agency as defined by the California Plumbing and Mechanical Code. <br />(c)Solar energy systems for producing electricity shall meet all applicable safety and <br />performance standards established by the California Electrical Code, the Institute of Electrical <br />and Electronics Engineers, and accredited testing laboratories such as Underwriters <br />Laboratories and, where applicable, rules of the Public Utilities Commission regarding safety <br />and reliability. <br />7-5-220 APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS. <br />(a)All documents required for the submission of an expedited solar energy system <br />application shall be made available on the City’s publicly accessible website. <br />(b)Applicants may submit the required permit application and documents in person at <br />the City’s Permit Center or via electronic submittal. <br />(c)An applicant’s electronic signature shall be accepted on all forms, applications, and <br />other documents in lieu of a wet signature. <br />(d)The City’s Building Official shall adopt a standard plan and checklist of all <br />requirements with which small residential rooftop solar energy systems shall comply to be <br />eligible for expedited review. <br />(e)The small residential rooftop solar system permit process, standard plan(s), and <br />checklist(s) shall substantially conform to recommendations for expedited permitting, including <br />the checklist and standard plans contained in the most current version of the California Solar <br />Permitting Guidebook adopted by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. <br />(f)All fees prescribed for the permitting of small residential rooftop solar energy <br />systems must comply with Government Code Section 65850.55, Government Code Section <br />66015, Government Code Section 66016, and State Health and Safety Code Section 17951. <br />7-5-225 PERMIT REVIEW AND INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. <br />(a)The City’s Building Official shall implement an administrative, nondiscretionary <br />review process to expedite approval of small residential rooftop solar energy systems. The <br />Building Official shall issue a building permit or other nondiscretionary permit as soon as <br />practical upon receipt of a complete application that meets the requirements of the approved <br />checklist and standard plan. The Building Official may require an applicant to apply for a use <br />permit if the Building Official finds, based on substantial evidence, that the solar energy <br />system could have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health and safety. Such <br />decisions may be appealed to the Planning Commission. <br />(b)The Building Official’s review of the application shall be limited to review of whether <br />the application meets all local, state, and federal health and safety requirements. <br />(c)If a use permit is required, the Building Official may deny an application for the use <br />permit only if the Building Official makes written findings based upon substantive evidence in <br />the record that the proposed installation would have a specific, adverse impact upon public <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/13/2015