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File Number: 15-560 <br />plazas, open space, BART parking, and other transit facilities (possibly including a Capitol <br />Corridor rail station).” <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Encroachment permits from Caltrans for work on Davis Street and from BART for work <br />adjacent to the station were obtained. Building and electrical permits from the City of San <br />Leandro Building Department were also obtained. <br />Environmental Review <br />A NEPA Categorical Exclusion was completed for this project by Caltrans Local Assistance on <br />June 11, 2011. <br />The project is a CEQA Section 15268 (a) Ministerial Project because it is consistent with the <br />provisions of a prior Environmental Impact Report (EIR) certified by the City Council on <br />September 4, 2007 for the adoption of the TOD Strategy. The current project was solely a <br />ministerial action to grant an encroachment permit for construction in the right of way that <br />implements this TOD Strategy. <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Electrical and building permits for pertinent construction items were obtained from the City of <br />San Leandro Building Department. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The project’s conceptual design was available for public review at the September 18, 2011 <br />Farmer’s Market and was posted on the City’s website. <br />Extensive public outreach was conducted during the development of the TOD Strategy Plan. <br />(This project was one of the several recommendations provided within the TOD Strategy <br />Plan.) Between 2006 and 2007, there were a series of ten meetings with a 23-member <br />Citizens Advisory Committee as the TOD was developed. Three community meetings were <br />also held during this period. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total project cost is $6,597,520 including design, construction, and construction <br />management. A summary of the contract with Gallagher and Burk, Incorporated for <br />construction of the work is listed below: <br />Original Contract: $4,846,700.00 <br />Change Orders: $678,678.45 <br />Total Contract Amount: $5,525,378.45 <br />Major change orders involved the following work: <br />·Additional grading and paving to address unforeseen field conditions <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/13/2015