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File Number: 15-560 <br />·Addressing utility clearance conflicts between an existing high pressure gas main and <br />footings for new street lights, traffic signals and storm inlets <br />·Accommodating revised water and electrical service points of connection, <br />·Providing an enhanced level of pedestrian traffic control to avoid sidewalk closures and <br />facilitate BART access <br />·Landscape and irrigation revisions to accommodate existing and proposed <br />developments on adjacent BART properties <br />·Incorporating miscellaneous design revisions related to wayfaring signage, crosswalk <br />removal, additional ramps, and streetlight electrical connections <br />Budget Authority <br />The total project budget is $6,597,520 which was funded as listed below: <br />·$4,610,000 from a Transportation for Livable Cities (TLC) grant, Account 150-38-331 <br />appropriated on July 19, 2010 by Resolution No. 2010-093 <br />·$1,220,000 from the Kaiser Community Impact fund , Account 210-38-331 <br />appropriated on March 7, 2011 by Resolution No. 2011-056 <br />·$96,118 from the Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) fund, Account <br />120-38-331 appropriated on March 7, 2011 by Resolution No. 2011-056 <br />·$76,894 from Measure B Streets & Roads funds, Account 144-38-331 appropriated on <br />March 7, 2011 by Resolution No. 2011-056 <br />·$211,458 from Measure B Bike & Pedestrian funds, Account 144-36-331 in the 2011- <br />12 Adopted Budget <br />·$350,000 in annual Gas Tax funds (Section 2103), Account 142-38-331 appropriated <br />for street rehabilitation in the 2011-12 Adopted Budget. <br />·$12,000 in Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise funds, Account 593-52-331 in the <br />2013-14 Adopted Budget <br />·$21,050 in grant funding from Stop Waste, Account 150-38-345 in the 2012-13 <br />Adopted Budget. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />None. <br />PREPARED BY: Mark Goralka, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/13/2015