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8B Consent 2015 1102
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Packet 2015 1102
8B Consent 2015 1102
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File Number: 15-590 <br />sustainability. In February 2014, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy staff, on behalf of the San <br />Leandro Creek Alliance, submitted a grant application to Caltrans for the San Leandro Creek <br />Trail Master Plan. In July 2014, following the grant submittal, which identified the City of San <br />Leandro as the lead agency, the City was awarded $201,510 from the Caltrans State Highway <br />Account - Partnership Planning for Sustainable Transportation grant program. In September <br />2014, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute agreements with Caltrans, <br />which allowed for the grant funds to be made available to the City. The grant funding is <br />allocated to cover the cost of the consultant study and for project work by Rails-to-Trails <br />Conservancy, City of Oakland, and City of San Leandro. <br />The grant allows for the development of the San Leandro Creek Trail Master Plan Study, <br />design concepts, and implementation strategy for a multi-use trail along San Leandro Creek <br />through the cities of San Leandro and Oakland. For context, approximately 2.1 miles of the <br />creek are located in the City of San Leandro, 2.1 miles in the City of Oakland, and 1.8 miles <br />runs along the border of the two cities. <br />The multi-use trail is intended to bring more awareness to the creek and to provide <br />connections among certain segments of the creek. The approximately 2.1 miles of the San <br />Leandro Creek that is located entirely within the City of San Leandro limits, including the <br />three-quarter mile stretch of the creek from Root Park to the Southern Pacific Railroad, would <br />be studied. In 2013 and 2014, the Creek Walk was a funding priority for City Council’s federal <br />lobbying efforts as it promotes healthy living, supports efforts to restores the flow of the creek, <br />and reconnects the community with waterways. <br />Analysis <br />In August 2015, staff distributed a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the San Leandro Creek <br />Trail Master Plan to eleven qualified consulting firms. The RFP was also posted on the City <br />website. Seven consulting firms attended a pre-application meeting. <br />Four consulting firms submitted proposals by the September 4, 2015 deadline. Staff from the <br />City of San Leandro’s Community Development Department, along with staff from the City of <br />Oakland, Caltrans, and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy carefully reviewed the proposals and <br />interviewed two firms and their teams of sub-consultants. Upon completion of the interviews, <br />the reviewers selected Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. as the best qualified firm for <br />recommendation to the City Council. The consultant team consists of: <br />·Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (lead consultant) <br />·Circlepoint (subconsultant) <br />Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (Stantec) is a highly experienced professional consulting <br />firm with extensive experience in planning, engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, <br />environmental sciences and feasibility study preparation for recreational trails, bikeways, and <br />multi-use trails. Stantec has partnered with Circlepoint, a firm that specializes in <br />communication, facilitation, and public outreach. Both Stantec and Circlepoint will work closely <br />with the Cities of San Leandro and Oakland, and the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, throughout <br />the feasibility study process. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/27/2015
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