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File Number: 15-600 <br />As described more fully in the LRPMP, the governmental use properties have been classified <br />as follows: <br />Plaza Pedestrian Walkways (properties #9 and #10): These properties were acquired <br />by the RDA to implement the Plaza Redevelopment Plan. The Plan called for <br />improvement to the downtown pedestrian experience with plazas, landscaping, <br />fountains, lighting, benches and decorative paving. All of these improvements exist <br />within these two parcels which are integral to pedestrian circulation. They provide a <br />path from Joaquin Plaza toward Washington Avenue without having to walk in parking <br />lots. These properties have no development potential and are proposed to be <br />transferred to the City at no cost. <br />2. Plaza Public Parking Lots (properties #11-15): These parcels were acquired by the <br />RDA to improve downtown parking and traffic circulation. All together they provide 92 <br />parking spaces. Maintenance and operation of these parcels and the adjacent <br />shopping center are governed by an agreement executed in 1981 that precludes <br />construction of any buildings "except as shall have been approved by the Parties and <br />Safeway Stores." Therefore, these properties have no development potential. The <br />Successor Agency proposes that these parcels be transferred to the City of San <br />Leandro at no cost for continued use as public parking lots. Pursuant to HSC Section <br />34181(a), these parcels qualify as governmental use because they do not generate <br />income and therefore have maintenance cost in excess of revenue. <br />3. Corner Parcel at West Juana Ave. & Hays St. (property #16): This corner parcel <br />consists of 256 square feet of landscaping located at the back corner of the Safeway <br />building. It has no development potential and is proposed to be transferred to the City <br />at no cost. <br />4. Burrell Field Sign - Public Park (property #17): In 1996, the City created a 456 <br />square foot parcel contained wholly within the San Leandro Ball Park adjacent to <br />Burrell Field. The parcel was then conveyed to the Redevelopment Agency at no cost <br />for development of a sign promoting the nearby Auto Mall. In 1997, the RDA executed <br />a lease with the Batarse Family Trust that permitted construction of the sign. The lease <br />does not require any rent payments through 2017. Beginning in 2017, the lessee is <br />required to make annual payments "equal to 10% of the land value of the Premises, <br />which shall reflect the unique value of the Premises as the site of a reader board sign <br />for retail purposes." Because the lease will ultimately generate some revenue, it is not <br />feasible to transfer this property at no cost. Therefore, the LRPMP proposes that the <br />City purchase the property for fair market value. Staff has included a very preliminary <br />estimate of $200,000 in the LRPMP, however an appraisal will be conducted prior to <br />any transaction. The appraisal will take into account he condition of the sign. <br />5. 1193 Warden Ave. - Public Park (Property #18): The RDA purchased the property in <br />1995, removed the existing dilapidated single-family home and constructed a <br />neighborhood entry sign for the Davis -West neighborhood. The RDA also improved the <br />remaining portions of the property with landscaping and wider sidewalks along Warden <br />Avenue and Davis Street. The pocket park with the neighborhood entry sign serves to <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 10127/2015 <br />