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File Number: 15-600 <br />The LRPMP will be reviewed and considered for approval by the Successor Agency Oversight <br />Board shortly after approval by the Successor Agency Board of Directors. The Plan will then <br />be submitted to the DOF for review. HSC section 34191.3 (a) requires the DOF to approve <br />LRPMPs by January 1, 2016. For many agencies, the DOF has required amendments and <br />revisions to the LRPMPs, so it is possible that additional approval by the Successor Agency <br />and Oversight Board will be required later this year. <br />Senate Bill 107, passed by the State Legislature in September, added HSC section <br />34191.5(f), which states that Oversight Board actions to implement the disposition of property <br />pursuant to an approved LRPMP shall not require review by the DOF. Therefore, once the <br />plan is approved, the Successor Agency will not need to seek additional State approvals to <br />implement it. <br />Once the LRPMP is approved, staff will work to expeditiously implement the plan by disposing <br />of assets. The properties to be transferred to the City at no cost will be relatively <br />straightforward transactions that can be processed reasonably quickly. For properties that will <br />be sold for development, staff will begin preparation of RFPs, while also taking steps to <br />ensure that the process coincides with the ongoing General Plan update. Therefore, it may be <br />prudent to wait a few months to ensure that properties are marketed with clear and <br />well-defined understanding of the allowed uses and development characteristics. Lastly, <br />because the City's acquisition of the Burrell Field Reader Board site will require a funding <br />appropriation, staff anticipates returning to the City Council with a funding proposal early in <br />2016. <br />Previous Actions <br />On January 9, 2012, the City Council approved Resolution No. 2012-001 electing to serve <br />as Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The Long Range Property Management Plan and the Resolution have been reviewed by the <br />City Attorney and approved as to form. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />Of the 14 properties that will be transferred to the City of San Leandro or the City in its <br />capacity as Housing Successor, the LRPMP proposes to transfer 13 at no cost. These <br />properties generally have no value as they are for governmental use and do not have private <br />development potential. Property #17, the site of the Burrell Field Reader Board Sign, will <br />require purchase by the City at fair market value. The Successor Agency estimates that value <br />to be $200,000, however this amount is subject to an appraisal and further refinement. This <br />transaction will require a funding appropriation in the future as funds have not been identified <br />at this time. <br />For the six of the eight properties that will be sold for development, the sale proceeds will be <br />remitted to the Alameda County Auditor -Controller for distribution to the local taxing entities. <br />City of San Leandro Page 7 Printed on 10127/2015 <br />