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the properties and provide information about a proposed development concept, financial <br />security of the developer, track record and experience with transit oriented developments, and <br />purchase price. The recommended purchaser will be approved via authorization of a Purchase <br />and Sale Agreement by the Successor Agency and Oversight Board. City staff will recommend <br />that strong preference be given to developers with an achievable plan to acquire as many of <br />the adjacent properties as possible, thus taking maximum advantage of one of the remaining <br />opportunity sites in Downtown San Leandro. <br />Zoning for this district would permit mixed-use residential with retail on the ground level. <br />Residential development can be up to 75 units per acre. The maximum building height is 75 <br />feet. <br />Staff estimated the current site value as $37 per square foot based on a recent appraisal for a <br />comparable parcel located immediately across East 14th Street. The Successor Agency intends <br />to conduct full appraisal for the property prior to sale and the appraisal cost will be deducted <br />from escrow as part of the closing. <br />Advancement of planning objectives of the successor agency <br />The Town Hall Square site was identified as a strategic opportunity site in the City of San <br />Leandro's 2007 Transit Oriented Development Strategy. Additionally, the RDA's 2010-2014 <br />Implementation Plan called for the Agency to "continue assisting with land assembly and design <br />to redevelop Town Hall Square, the underutilized block bounded by Hays, Davis, and East 14th <br />Streets in the downtown core." <br />History of previous development proposals and activity <br />In June 2004 the Agency hired MVE Partners, an architectural firm, to explore the development <br />capacity of the block and create conceptual design renderings of the site. Those plans <br />envisioned a mixed-use project with ground floor retail and residential condominiums on the <br />upper floors. In 2005, after issuance of an RFP, the RDA executed an Exclusive Negotiating <br />Rights Agreement with The Olson Companies for development of Town Hall Square. The <br />Agreement subsequently expired prior to the submittal of a development proposal. In 2008, the <br />Agency approved an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Innisfree Ventures II for this site, <br />however that agreement also expired due to challenges related to assembling adjacent parcels. <br />In both cases the developers were unable to acquire additional properties and propose a viable <br />project. <br />Description of property's potential for transit oriented development <br />Town Hall Square was identified as a Strategic Opportunity site in the City of San Leandro's <br />2007 Transit Oriented Development Strategy. The site is four blocks from the San Leandro BART <br />station and within the retail core of Downtown San Leandro. Construction of a bus rapid transit <br />7 1 San Leandro I Long Range Property Management Plan I November 2015 <br />