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File Number: 15-606 <br />an outreach video highlighting the SLPD’s Weibo social media program. <br />The San Leandro Police Department intends to provide the following program deliverables: <br />1. Develop a social media policy and expand communications efforts targeted at ethnic <br />communities; <br />2. Secure data and coordinate with the USC Center for the Digital Future to understand <br />age and ethnicity based social media trends; <br />3. Work with local universities to evaluate the SLPD Weibo program; <br />4. Conduct a minimum of three listening roundtables with the San Leandro Asian <br />community; <br />5. Understand what percentage of the 218,090 SLPD Weibo followers are local; <br />6. Understand which types of media postings work best for reaching the San Leandro <br />audience; <br />7. Determine how increased engagement with the Asian community impacts crime; <br />8. Assess whether Weibo engagement leads to an increased number of calls or tips; <br />9. Consult with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to develop best <br />practices for engagement with various demographics. <br />To accomplish these outcomes, the SLPD intends to partner with the International Association <br />of Chiefs of Police (IACP), the California State University-East Bay Public Policy and <br />Administration Department, the University of Southern California’s Public Policy Department, <br />and the Asian Business Council of San Leandro. SLPD believes that its success with Weibo <br />is due in large part to a Chief’s Advisory Board Member, Mr. Cartier Lee. SLPD will continue <br />to work with Mr. Lee as this program moves forward. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The acceptance of the grant will not impact the General Fund. If approved, the City will <br />receive $74,795.21 to provide program deliverables per the terms of the DOJ-COPS grant <br />guidelines, with no local share (matching funds) required. Expenditures will be captured in <br />special grant fund account #150-21-050, listed as the “COPS CPD MICROGRANT <br />INITIATIVE”. Staff requests that the City Council approve appropriation of funds from the <br />COPS CPD Micro-grant Initiative fund to account #150-21-050 for $74,795.21. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />·Attachment A: 2015 DOJ-COPS CPD Micro-grant Narrative. <br />PREPARED BY: Scott Koll, Police Business Manager, Police Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/10/2015