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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2015 1006
City Clerk
City Council
Facilities & Transportation Committee
FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2015 1006
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11/12/2015 9:37:22 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2015 1116 RG
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2015\Packet 2015 1116
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The Climate Action Plan and GHG reduction measures and actions are structured around <br />the four general categories of GHG emissions: energy use in buildings; transportation and <br />land use; waste; and municipal operations. <br />In March 2013, the Council was provided an update on the San Leandro Climate Action <br />Plan. The report identified various departmental efforts that resulted in extensive energy <br />upgrades with Federal Stimulus (EECBG) funds, as well as other Federal, State and City <br />resources. <br />Federal and State Climate Action Initiatives continue to support efforts to reduce <br />greenhouse gas emissions. An important Federal initiative was the adoption of America's <br />Clean Power Plan in August 2015. The Plan sets "achievable" standards to reduce <br />carbon dioxide emissions by 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. It also sets carbon <br />pollution standards for power plants. The Plan is expected to boost wind and solar power <br />generation and could also provide a boost to technologies that can help integrate that <br />renewable energy into the grid as a means to its end. <br />At the State level, the California Energy Commission's EPIC Challenge: Accelerating the <br />Deployment of Advance Energy Communities is an important competitive grant funding <br />opportunity. Through the Electric Program Investment Charge Program, funding has <br />been established for a competition to develop innovative and replicable approaches for <br />accelerating the deployment of Advanced Energy Communities. Advanced Energy <br />Communities are community -scale developments based on systems integration in which <br />energy efficiency, renewable energy, and storage technologies meet the energy supply <br />and demand needs of its residents and businesses and supports local grid reliability and <br />safety. <br />The City of San Leandro is currently exploring numerous opportunities to reduce energy costs <br />and generate new revenue streams using clean technology products and applications. One of <br />the major projects underway is the Climatec project which includes a detailed energy <br />assessment of all City real estate assets and a future proposal to enable the City to invest in <br />energy upgrades through bond financing. A second major project is the City's engagement <br />with the County of Alameda and its member cities of the potential of implementing a <br />Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program. <br />Smart San Leandro: Renewable Energy Micro Grid <br />The Smart San Leandro. Renewable Energy Micro Grid is an <br />opportunity that grew out of San Leandro Solar Week, April ,. <br />2015 with the goal of leveraging City of San Leandro's public <br />and private real estate assets to create a locally -generated <br />renewable energy network. <br />The City of San Leandro has been invited to engage in a <br />public/private partnership for the purpose of developing and <br />building a renewable energy micro grid project. The initial <br />
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