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City of San Leandro <br />DRAFT 2016 State Legislative Platform and Policy Guidelines <br />December 7, 2015 <br />The City of San Leandro’s legislative agenda for 2016 is designed to reflect the adopted priorities <br />and policy direction of the Mayor and City Council with direct input from the City Administration. <br />This strategic agenda includes advocating for legislation, regulations, and funding that is <br />consistent with the City’s adopted priorities. It is informed by the City Council’s 2015 adopted <br />legislative platform, and has been updated for 2016 to reflect new or emerging policy issues <br />following input from City department heads and staff. <br />This agenda is designed to (a) provide standing authority for the Mayor, City staff or the City’s <br />legislative advocates to take action on pending legislative matters on behalf of the City of San <br />Leandro when time constraints or administrative burdens preclude bringing such matters before <br />the City Council in advance, and (b) provide the City’s advocates a better understanding of the <br />Mayor and Council’s policy preferences regarding a variety of legislative and intergovernmental <br />issues that might arise during the course of the year. <br />This report is compiled into two sections: <br />1. City Specific State Legislative Priorities for Recommended Action, and <br />2. Policy Priorities for Ongoing Monitoring or Advocacy; <br />1. City Specific State Legislative Priorities for Recommended Action <br />Below is a list of specific legislative priorities for the City. Direct advocacy with the Governor, the <br />Legislature, State agencies and other organizations will be focused on these areas: <br />Transportation & Public Works <br />Electric Vehicle Infrastructure.Support legislative efforts and funding programs that <br />provide cities greater flexibility and opportunities to enhance and build out electric vehicle <br />infrastructure. <br />Illegal Dumping & Graffiti Abatement. Support legislative efforts that provide for greater <br />penalties or incentives to reduce the amount of illegal dumping and graffiti. <br />Reclaimed/Recycled Water Projects.Support legislation that advances the use of <br />recycled water while meeting the needs of local agencies, especially during times of <br />drought. These efforts could include support for permitting, construction, or maintenance of <br />recycled water pipelines. Oppose legislation or regulations that harm these efforts. <br />Recycling Programs.Support legislation to extend incentives for both household and <br />commercial recycling efforts. Oppose legislation that hampers recycling efforts or reduces <br />incentives to recycle. <br />Transfer of state urban highways. Support efforts to create a streamlined process for the <br />transfer of state urban highways to local agencies. East 14th Street and Davis Street are <br />presently designated state highways; however, the current mechanism that would facilitate <br />the transfer of these highways to the City does not provide sufficient financial commitments <br />from the state prior to any transfer. Support efforts that would allow the state to reconstruct <br />both roadways in advance of any transfer of rights-of-way to the City of San Leandro. <br />Traffic Signal Synchronization. Support legislation or regulatory efforts to address <br />greenhouse gases (GHG)by providing funding for traffic signal synchronization and related <br />actions that reduce traffic and pollution. This past legislative session marked a new focus of