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City of City of San Leandro 2016 State Legislative Platform and Policy Guidelines Page 3 of 5 <br />Disaster Prevention and Recovery. Seek additional funding, and expand the definition of <br />programs eligible for grant funding, for disaster recovery and prevention. <br />Drones.As the use, and need for drones expands, so does the discussion on local control <br />and privacy. Monitor any new legislation and support efforts to ensure local needs are <br />adequately addressed. <br />Illegal gambling parlors. Support legislative efforts that would provide additional local <br />authority to address the frequency of ‘pop up’ online casinos. Assembly Bill 1439 (Salas) <br />was signed into law by the Governor, providing cities with additional authority to regulate <br />these types of establishments. Additional legislation may be needed to continue to <br />effectively regulate online gambling establishments. <br />Massage Parlors. Legislation was passed in 2014 to give cities tighter control of massage <br />establishments. Support the City’s efforts to interface with the California Massage Therapy <br />Council (CAMTC) on the certification of new businesses, while working to ensure that bad <br />businesses are denied certification. <br />Health & Human Services <br />Homelessness.Work with regional stakeholders to develop regional solutions to <br />homelessness in the Bay Area. Support efforts to identify additional funding opportunities <br />for local agencies and non-profit organizations for shelters and/or other programs and <br />services designed to support homeless populations. <br />Medical Cannabis Regulations. Now that state legislation has been signed into law, there <br />will be an effort to codify new regulations that will be administered by the State. Support <br />efforts that would facilitate the successful implementation San Leandro’s medical cannabis <br />dispensary ordinance. Oppose federal actions that interfere with state’s rights, as well as <br />any actions or legislation that restrict local control. <br />San Leandro Hospital.Support efforts to ensure the successful operation and financial <br />sustainability of San Leandro Hospital <br />Safety Net Services and Support for Seniors. Support legislative efforts that would <br />expand safety net services for those most in need, including low-income residents and <br />senior populations. <br />Public Finance <br />Cap & Trade Funding. Support legislation, funding guidelines, and/or other regulations for <br />the successful disbursement of funding from the State’s Cap-and-Trade program for City <br />programs and efforts. <br />Utility User Taxes. Support legislation or regulations that would provide cities with the <br />flexibility and authority to collect or increase Utility User Taxes (UUTs). Additionally, fight <br />any proposals that seek to limit or restrict the City’s use of UUTs. <br />2. Policy Priorities for Ongoing Monitoring or Advocacy <br />Monitor legislative activity and/or or advocate on behalf of the City of San Leandro's interests in <br />the following broad policy areas: <br />Public Safety