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3A Presentation 2015 1207
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Packet 2015 1207
3A Presentation 2015 1207
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2015 State Legislative Summary Page 6 of 7 <br />Legislature’s intent that funds from a tax enacted pursuant to this section must be used to <br />support the purposes of the ETHD, including support of nonprofit and public hospitals and <br />other health care providers in the communities served by the district. <br />It was expressed that this bill allows ETHD to provide vitally-needed financial support to <br />hospitals that serve district residents by seeking voter approval of a parcel tax measure. <br />The bill was heard in the Senate Governance committee and made it out, yet was <br />ultimately held on the Senate floor and will be revisited next legislative year. <br />Transportation Funding <br />The Legislature has postponed discussion of Cap and Trade expenditures until January of next <br />year after not being able to reach an agreement on how to spend available funding, including how <br />much should be dedicated to transit projects, rail, and affordable housing, among other <br />priorities. The administration estimates about $1.2 billion in cap-and-trade money is available, with <br />another $500 million in reserve. Governor Brown had offered to put up $500 million annually in <br />cap-and-trade revenue as part of a transportation deal, but that deal was unable to come to fruition <br />before the end of session. A special session solely on transportation has been called by the <br />Governor and will likely convene in the coming weeks. It is speculated that the governor’s office <br />has a proposal totaling $3.5 billion. TPA has been working with various stakeholders, trade groups <br />and others to identify then lobby the needed votes to move this forward. <br />Climate Action <br />SB 350 (de León) passed in the final hours of the Legislative Session and is expected to be signed <br />by the Governor. The measure will enact the Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015, <br />which establishes targets to increase retail sales of renewable electricity to 50% by 2030 and <br />double the energy efficiency savings in electricity and natural gas uses by 2030. <br />The bill was amended in the final week of session to remove the provision that would have <br />established a statewide goal to codify the Governor’s Executive Order to reduce greenhouse gas <br />emissions by reducing the state’s petroleum use from cars by 50 percent. The petroleum <br />provisions were the source of significant opposition from outside interests, as well as from <br />members of the Assembly. Even though the petroleum provisions have been removed, the <br />Governor indicated that he will work with the Air Resources Control Board to take administrative <br />actions that can lower California’s usage of petroleum. This bill was signed into law by the <br />Governor. <br />New funding opportunities <br />TPA worked on two upcoming funding opportunities to help support seismic safety, which is one of <br />the City’s priorities. First, working with a handful of Bay Area cities, $3 million was secured in the <br />State budget for cities to utilize as part of their local seismic safety program to better prepare <br />structures for the next earthquake. Additionally, we have been supporting legislation that would <br />provide tax credits to residents in cities with seismic retrofit mandates. AB 428 reached the <br />Governor's desk and Mayor Cutter joined other Mayors from throughout the state in seeking the <br />Governor’s signature. Unfortunately the Governor vetoed this bill though we are working with the <br />author’s office on next steps. <br />Another funding bonus was in the 2015-16 Budget, which included full repayment of the pre-2004 <br />mandate debt owed to cities and the first payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) funds made in twenty <br />years. A total of $765 million in pre-2004 mandate debt was repaid statewide to local agencies. In <br />addition, $9.6 million in Public Records Act mandate reimbursement was included in the budget for <br />local agencies statewide. <br />Weekly Updates
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