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File Number: 15-677 <br />technology. The increased use of social media and mobile devices is also raising public <br />expectations for immediate access to information as well as opportunities for prompt feedback <br />and input. Finally, the City Council has expressed interest in expanding the City’s outreach <br />efforts with the community, while ensuring that such communications are aligned with Council <br />goals, well-coordinated across departments, and with a cohesive voice that can be readily <br />understood by all segments of the community. <br />This report is designed to 1) provide the City Council with an inventory of the various <br />communications platforms and efforts that are already in place, and 2) propose a number of <br />new initiatives and strategies intended to enhance the City’s outreach efforts. <br />Inventory of Existing Communication Platforms <br />The City’s current communications efforts are guided by the City Council’s adopted goals and <br />policy directives, and disseminated by departments at the direction of the City Manager. The <br />platform utilized to broadcast information about a particular topic or issue is content-driven, <br />meaning that City departments attempt to utilize the most readily available platform that best <br />suits the type of news or information to be delivered. <br />The list below shows current media, events, forums, and communication platforms utilized by <br />the City to communicate and facilitate information sharing. <br />Community Outreach Meetings & Events <br />·Mayor’s State of the City <br />·City Council meetings <br />·City Council Work Sessions <br />·District and topic-specific Town Hall meetings and workshops <br />·Boards and Commission meetings <br />·Community and neighborhood meetings <br />·Home Owner Association Meetings <br />·Chamber of Commerce, business roundtable, and downtown-focused meetings and <br />events <br />Electronic <br />·City Website <br />·City Calendar <br />·Blogs <br />·Nixle 360 <br />·Virtual Emergency Operations Center (Veoci) <br />Earned Media <br />·Newspaper <br />·Television <br />·Radio <br />·Local News Blogs <br />Department Outreach Initiatives & Campaign <br />·SLNext <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/15/2015