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Finance Highlights 2015 1117
City Clerk
City Council
Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2015 1117
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12/17/2015 9:01:49 AM
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12/17/2015 9:01:43 AM
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Committee Highlights
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File Number: 15-705 <br />David Johnson, Robin Beebe, Jerry Garcia, Steve Song, Arlene Lum, and Cece Adams <br />oppose the minimum wage increase if it hurts local business. <br />Guillermo Elenes and Bella Comelo favor an increase in the minimum wage to support <br />struggling families. <br />The Committee recommends staff to return to the Committee with additional <br />information on the minimum wage as it applies to other nearby cities. <br />2.C.FY 2014-15 Year-End Financial Review <br />City Manager Zapata noted increases have occurred in sales tax (up 10%) and real <br />property transfer tax (up 56%). The Bay Area has experienced a strong economic <br />rebound since 2008, spurred by quantitative easing and low unemployment. However, <br />the cycle will swing downward at some point which will have a dramatic effect on the <br />City’s economics. During this positive cycle, the City Council has approved Prioritizing <br />Unfunded Liability Liquidation (PULL program), which would set-aside a portion of <br />surplus revenue to reduce long term liabilities. Retiree health care and pension <br />liabilities are approved for pay down. Additional effort to address aging City <br />infrastructure and unfunded capital improvements is needed, guided by Measure HH <br />ballot language. <br />Mr. Baum stated that the 2014-15 Adjusted Expenditure Budget totals $90.4 million <br />and represents a $7.6 million increase over the Adopted Expenditure Budget due to <br />encumbrance carryovers from the prior fiscal year (funded by dedicated fund balance), <br />and one time Council approved items from unanticipated savings at the end of <br />2013-14. Year-End activity by department is summarized on Table 2 in the Finance <br />Committee Agenda Packet. Overall year-end actual expenditures were 5.0% less than <br />the Adjusted Expenditure Budget for FY 2014-15. <br />Finally, Mr. Baum indicated that the 2014-15 year-end forecast for the General Fund <br />has improved over the Adopted Budget, largely due to a greater amount of year-end <br />revenues than expenditures, unspent project funds and prior year carryover of the <br />Economic Uncertainty reserve surplus. It also reflects $1.2 million currently reserved for <br />Alameda County Fire Department’s Other Post-Employment Benefit payments. <br />Revised projections for 2014-15 reflect an operating increase in undesignated fund <br />balance of $8.1 million over the adopted budget. Overall, staff projects a net fund <br />balance in the General Fund of $22.9 million, an improvement of $13.2 million over the <br />Adopted Budget. Please refer to Table 3. <br />The Committee expressed support for the conservative expenditures and revenues in <br />the prior year and accepted the report. <br />3.PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />None. <br />4.COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/15/2015
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