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File Number: 15-712 <br />Eviction provision of the Ordinance should be set apart and emphasized in its own <br />separate section. <br />·Require tenants and landlords to return for a second and final Continuance <br />hearing. The Board must hold a 1st hearing, then, if needed, a 2nd final Continuance <br />hearing prior to referring a rent review case to the City Manager (see below) to provide <br />more time for the tenant and landlord to negotiate a mutually satisfactory resolution to <br />their rent dispute. <br />·Refer unresolved cases to the City Manager instead of the City Council. The <br />intent of the Ordinance has always been for a mutual resolution of the rent dispute <br />between the tenant and the landlord. The Ordinance clearly states that the City is not <br />“a party to such an agreement nor shall the City or the Board assume any responsibility <br />for enforcement” of any agreement because the Board is a negotiation assistance body <br />that makes non-binding recommendations on cases. The City Manager is a more <br />appropriate authority for additional review of cases because he or she has more <br />flexibility to assist in the negotiation of unresolved cases. <br /> <br />The City Council accepted the amendments as proposed in the Ordinance with the following <br />changes: 1) the eligibility threshold for a rent review hearing is an increase in rent of <br />greater than 8%, or greater than $75, or more than two rent increases within a twelve <br />month period; 2) the definition of residential property is expanded to include all <br />housing units for rent within the City; 3) a tenant shall have thirty days to request a rent <br />review hearing from the date of notice of a rent increase; and 4) landlords are required <br />to provide tenants notice of availability of rent review in the predominant three <br />languages spoken within the City. <br />The City Council conducted a full reading and introduction of the Ordinance with the above <br />changes. Those changes are reflected in Exhibit A to the Ordinance. Upon an affirmative <br />vote of the City Council, the ordinance with the changes in bold above, will be adopted, and <br />effective thirty days from December 21, 2015. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachment to Ordinance <br />·Exhibit A - Proposed Amended Rent Review Ordinance <br />PREPARED BY: Richard D. Pio Roda, City Attorney, City Attorney’s Office <br />2561683.1 <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/15/2015