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provider shall be “A-rated”, unless the parties specify otherwise. The City shall make <br />available for employees, the ability to purchase additional life insurance, at no cost to the <br />City, subject to the requirements and rules of the insurance carrier. Such premium payments <br />made by the employee purchasing any voluntary life insurance shall be made on an after tax <br />basis. <br /> <br />2.5 Long Term Disability Insurance (Active) <br /> <br /> The City shall maintain in effect an employer paid long-term disability insurance program <br />with a benefit percentage of forty percent (40%) of base monthly earnings with a maximum <br />gross monthly benefit of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) for all full-time employees. The <br />plan shall provide a six month elimination period, benefits payable to age 65 with two years <br />"own" occupation and partial disability benefits. The City shall make available for <br />employees, the ability to purchase additional long term disability insurance, at no cost to the <br />City, subject to the rules, regulations, enrollment requirements and exclusions set forth by <br />the insurance carrier. <br /> <br />2.6 Short Term Disability Insurance (Active) <br /> <br />The City shall make available for employees, the ability to purchase voluntary short-term <br />disability insurance, at no cost to the City, subject to the rules, regulations, enrollment <br />requirements and exclusions set forth by the insurance carrier. Such premium payments <br />made by the employee purchasing any voluntary short-term disability insurance shall be <br />made on an after-tax basis. <br /> <br />Section 3.0 Uniform Allowance <br /> <br />For the term of this Agreement, the uniform allowance for Association employees will be $1,500 <br />per year. All uniform allowances will be paid by separate check during the month of July. <br /> <br />Section 4.0 Leaves <br /> <br />4.1 Vacation Leave: Vacation leave for each full-time employee shall be accrued and credited <br />for the pay period in which it was earned. An employee holding a full-time position shall be <br />entitled to a vacation leave which shall accrue at the rate of twelve (12) days for each <br />calendar year of service performed. If a newly hired employee possesses five (5) years of <br />experience in the field in which he/she is hired, he/she shall accrue vacation leave at the rate <br />of fifteen (15) days for each calendar year of service performed. <br /> <br /> The City evaluated employees hired before February 1, 2002 who had not yet performed <br />five (5) full years of City service, to determine if they possessed the required experience <br />when they were hired. If so, their accrual rate was changed to fifteen (15) days. If not, their <br />accrual rate was changed from ten (10) days to twelve (12) days effective January 1, 2002. <br /> <br /> In the calendar year in which an employee holding a full-time position completes five (5) <br />full years of City service, such employee shall be entitled to fifteen and three- quarters (15 <br />¾) work days of vacation. For each full year of full-time City service completed thereafter, <br />three-quarters (¾) of a work day of vacation shall be added up to a maximum of twenty-five <br />(25) work days of vacation. <br />SLPMA 5