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File Number: 15-687 <br />The project was presented at the town hall meeting for Council Districts 1, 2, and 5 held on <br />May 11, 2015, and at a community meeting on July 9, 2015, which was hosted by the <br />Recreation and Human Services Department. <br />Both of these events were posted on Nextdoor before they occurred. <br />The project is currently listed as an active construction project on the Engineering and <br />Transportation Department webpage. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The total estimated project cost is $3,371,784 for design, construction, and inspection, <br />including a contingency. <br />Budget Authority <br />Funding allocations for the Siempre Verde Park Rehabilitation Project are as follows: <br />1) $876,600.00 - Special Grants Fund, Siempre Verde Park Rehabilitation Project, <br />Account No. 150-62-116, allocated in FY 2014-15 <br />2) $1,538,000.00 - Park Development Fees, Siempre Verde Park Rehabilitation Project, <br />Account No. 122-62-116, allocated in FY 2014-15 <br />3) $1,145,594.00 - General Fund, Siempre Verde Park Rehabilitation Project, Account <br />No. 210-62-116, allocated in FY 2014-15 <br />$381,200 in 2015 HCD grant funds are available per the attached agreement and will be <br />offset by returning $381,200 from expenditure account 210-62-116 to fund balance (general <br />fund). The proposed action will not change the total appropriations for this project. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />• Agreement between HCD and City of San Leandro <br />PREPARED BY: Nick Thom, City Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 1212212015 <br />