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File Number: 15-698 <br />2.D. Discussion Regarding Future Agenda Items <br />In regards to Olidata's plan for Renewal Energy, Mayor Cutter and Committee Members are <br />uncertain of where it stands right now. Has Olidata been chosen as the vendor or will there <br />be an RFP? Committee would like to see a formalized presentation to provide update on <br />project. K. Cooke will put Olidata update on the January 2016 committee agenda. <br />D. Acosta wanted to make clear that Olidata is sharing their data and showing what the plan <br />for San Leandro could look like. They are not proposing a contract or agreement at this time, <br />but instead are asking for direction from the Committee and Council. <br />3. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />None. <br />4. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Lopez provided feedback on the BPAC committee, saying that the list of <br />completed projects is significant and impressive. It's great that the public sees what the <br />Council, Committee, and staff is working on and their efforts are listed out very clearly. She <br />would like a list of projects presented to the Facility Committee and suggests listing active <br />projects in the City newsletter. <br />Staff will publicize projects in the newsletter and on the City's website and media outlets. <br />5. ADJOURN <br />The meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m. <br />City of San Leandro Page 6 Printed on 111212016 <br />