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NOW THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the Governing Board of the Successor <br />Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro that it hereby: <br />1. Finds that the above recitals are true and correct and a part of this Resolution. <br />2. Subject to approval of the Oversight Board, authorizes the Execution of the <br />Restated Loan Agreement, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, and authorizes <br />the Executive Director to execute a restated note to evidence the loan attached hereto as Exhibit <br />B. <br />3. Authorizes the Executive Director, or his designee to execute such other <br />documents and to take such other actions as necessary to carry out the intent of this Resolution, <br />including without limitation, listing the Restated Loan Agreement on the Recognized Obligation <br />Payment Schedule for the Successor Agency. <br />4. This Resolution takes effect immediately upon its adoption. <br />Introduced by Board Member Prola and passed and adopted this 19th day of January, <br />2016, by the following vote: <br />Members of the Board: <br />AYES: Members Cox, Lee, Lopez, Prola, Reed, Thomas (6) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSENT: Chair Cutter <br />ATTEST: --wk <br />Tamika Greenwood, Secretary <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2016-001 SA 3 <br />(1) <br />