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Finance Highlights 2015 1215
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Finance Highlights 2015 1215
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File Number: 16-015 <br />a single mother to have a decent life she must make $60k a year, which is more than $15/hr. <br />Doug Jones, member of the Founding Coalition to Save San Leandro Hospital and veteran of <br />measure A Oversight Committee, stated that it is important to know that 95% of the people <br />working in San Leandro, making less than $15/hour, do not live in San Leandro. Therefore, <br />by increasing the minimum wage, we would ensure that these employees would visit local <br />restaurants for lunch and/or go shopping in San Leandro. Mr. Jones supports increasing the <br />minimum with CPI increases. <br />Helena Swater, resident, also spoke in favor of increasing minimum wage. Ms. Swater, stated <br />that it is very difficult to feed a decent meal to a family of 3 on the current minimum wage and <br />therefore supports an increase. <br />Augustin Ramirez, ILWU member and employee of ACI, stated that employees that earn a <br />decent wage are content with their jobs. <br />Mr. Hudson, from local 2850, supports the increase of minimum wage. Low wage workers <br />can make a decent wage and need to increase by CPI like Oakland and Emeryville, <br />Bella Comelo has polled small business owners and a majority supports the increase <br />Spanish speaking translation: Blanca spoke in support of the increase of minimum wage. <br />Blanca's granddaughter, a San Leandro High student, works and makes $9/hour and that is <br />not enough. The school allows students with good grades to work and they are trying to save <br />money so they can attend school after graduation. <br />Mayor Cutter would like staff to reach out to businesses to find out if there are special <br />circumstances, through state law, that must be accounted for, e.g. mechanics if they do not <br />make twice the amount of minimum wage, the owner of the company must pay for tools. <br />Also, tips need to be looked at. The outreach can be done via Business License mail out in a <br />form of a survey that can be mailed back. <br />Vice Mayor Prola, stated that there are lots of misconceptions of minimum wages. Most <br />minimum wage earners are not teenagers. Cities that have opposed an increase of the <br />minimum wage found that their businesses continued to thrive. Vice Mayor Prola would like to <br />see a draft ordinance, like Berkeley's, and allow Council to review and either add or delete. It <br />is important that the City of San Leandro increase the minimum wage and would like to see <br />$15/hr for large business by 2018 and for small business by 2019. Vice Mayor Prola would <br />also like to see a CPI increase and questioned whether sick leave should be included. There <br />are many homeless people that are working but are forced to live in their cars as the average <br />rent in San Leandro is $1,500/month. <br />Mayor Cutter stated that she does not support including a CPI increase as businesses may <br />not be able to afford it. Mayor Cutter also stated that City employees do not receive an <br />increase based on CPI and that is something that would have to be discussed during <br />negotiations. Mayor Cutter wants to be fair to all businesses. What would be the cut off, if <br />any? Small vs. large business (#employees). <br />Vice Mayor Prola stated that a minimum wage increase would benefit women and minorities. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 1126/2016 <br />
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