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File Number: 16-046 <br />WHEREAS, a draft agreement between the City of San Leandro and Sansome Pacific <br />Properties, Inc. has been presented to this City Council; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council is familiar with the contents thereof; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends approval of said agreement. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br />follows: <br />1.The sale of the City property at 1188 East 14th Street is approved; and <br />2.That said agreement substantially in the form presented is hereby approved and <br />execution by the City Manager is hereby authorized; and <br />3.That the City Manager is authorized to make non-substantial revisions to said <br />agreement, subject to the approval of the City Attorney; and <br />4.That an original executed agreement shall be attached to and made a part of <br />this resolution. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/10/2016