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EXHIBIT A <br />CHAPTER 4-32 RENT REVIEW <br />ARTICLE 1. GENERAL <br />4-32-100 SHORT TITLE. <br />This Chapter shall be known as the "Rent Review Ordinance." <br />4-32-105 DEFINITIONS. <br />Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms defined in this Chapter shall have the <br />following meanings: <br />(a) BASE RENT means the rental amount, including any amount paid to the landlord <br />for parking, storage, utilities, water, garbage or any other fee or charge associated with the <br />ten ieya residential property required to be paid by the tenant to the landlord in the month <br />immediately preceding the effective date of the rent increase. <br />(b) BOARD means the Rent Review Board, as defined in this section. <br />(c) CITY means the City of San Leandro. <br />(d) CITY MANAGER means the City Manager of the City of San Leandro. or his or <br />her designated representative. <br />(ed) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: means the Director of the <br />Community Development Department of the City of San Leandro, or his or her designated <br />representative. <br />(fe) COUNCIL means the City Council of the City of San Leandro. <br />(gf) LANDLORD means any person, partnership, corporation, or other business <br />entity offering for rent or lease any residential property in the City. "Landlord" shall include the <br />agent or representative of the landlord, provided that such agent or representative shall have full <br />authority to answer for the landlord and enter into binding agreements on the landlord's behalf. <br />(hg) PARTY means a person who participates in the rent review program of this <br />chapter or his or her agent or representative. <br />(i) RATIO UTILITY BILLING SYSTEM means a billing system paid to a third <br />party that allocates the property's actual utility bill to the tenant based on an occupant factor. <br />square footage factor, or any other similar factors. <br />(ih) RENT means a fixed periodic compensation paid by a tenant at fixed intervals to <br />a landlord for the possession and use of residential property, including any amount paid to the <br />landlord for parking, storage, utilities, water, garbage, or any other fee or charge associated with <br />the tenancy. Additionally, rent includes costs associated with the initial conversion to a Ratio <br />Utility Billing System. <br />