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File Number: 16-113 <br />The City Manager recommends that the salary increase for the water pollution control plant <br />manager should be approved to ensure that the City pays wages consistent within its labor <br />market area. The increase will also assist the City to better retain and attract qualified <br />personnel in this specialized field. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The 5% proposed salary increase for WPCP Manager would set the classification at range 7 <br />($10,247-$12,456 per month). This salary increase will have no fiscal impact to the General <br />Fund. The WPCP Manager position is funded by the Water Pollution Control Enterprise Fund <br />and all costs are recovered through user fees. The impact to the enterprise fund will be <br />$3,558 for the remainder of FY 2015-16 and $7,116 annually going forward. Staff requests <br />approval of appropriation from the enterprise fund balance to fund the $3,558 in 2015-16. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachment to Resolution <br />·Salary Schedule <br />PREPARED BY: Emily Hung, Human Resources Manager, City Manager's Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/1/2016