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Construction in Flood Zones - Substantial Improvement/Damage <br />If your home or business is below the 1011year flood elevation, the City of San Leandro has flood damage prevention regulations <br />that may affect how you remodel, renovate, or add on to your bulltling. If your home or business secured structural anchor <br />interior damage, Mese regulations may affect haw you rebuild The National Hoctl Insurance Program (NFIP) requires these <br />regulations be adhered to in orderto pcocectyou and your propenyfrom future flood tlamage. The Cry must adopt and enforce <br />flood protection lam in order for federally backed flood Insurance to be made available to community residents and property <br />owners_ Information about Substantial Improvement and Substantial Damage can be found in FEMA UNITE. <br />Substantial Damage means damage of any ongin sustained by structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its <br />"before damage- condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value or replacement cost of the structure <br />Before the damage occurred <br />[NOTE: The cost of the repairs must include all costs necessary to repair the structure to its "before tlamage" condition ] <br />Substantial Improvement means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition or other improvement of a structure, the cost <br />of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the 'start of construction" of the <br />improvernmL <br />If a building is "substantially damai or "substantially improved' it must he brought into compliance with City of San <br />Leandro's damage prevention regulations, including elevating the building to or above the 100year flood elevation <br />For addium al questions about permits and construction in the flootl zone, please contact the Division of Building & Safety at <br />(510) 577 SPEND <br />Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ): <br />FAO for Homeowners <br />FAO Flood Zones <br />FAO about the National Flootl Insurance Proera"NFP <br />FAO Flood Hazard Martin <br />