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3B Presentation 2016 0418
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Packet 2016 0418
3B Presentation 2016 0418
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 16-174 <br />awarded. Including formation of an assessment district, design, permitting, and construction, <br />this project is anticipated to take three years to complete. <br />Mitigation Location No. 3 - Estudillo Canal <br />The Alameda County Flood Control District (ACFCD) operates the Estudillo Canal which <br />collects and conveys storm water to the San Francisco Bay. The north bank of this canal is <br />now listed by FEMA in the proposed FIRMS as the second of two sources of flood water that <br />impacts 1,054 properties in the Marina Faire and Mulford Gardens neighborhoods. ACFCD <br />is in the process of designing improvements to the banks of the Canal to eliminate this source <br />of water. They anticipate applying for permits in the middle of 2016 and performing <br />construction in the summer of 2017. <br />Mitigation Location No. 4 - Mission Bay Mobile Home Park <br />The fourth source of floodwater is the western property line of Mission Bay Mobile Home Park, <br />adjacent to the Coast Subdivision line of the Union Pacific Railroad. The proposed FIRMs <br />indicate the single parcel of land that is the mobile home park as well as two parcels of the <br />Marina Vista neighborhood to the north will be added to the 100 year flood zone. It appears <br />that the two Marina Vista parcels are above the base flood elevation and could be removed <br />from the zone if the property owners filed a certificate of elevation. Due to space constraints <br />an earthen dike cannot be constructed to stop water entry. In lieu of a dike, the existing <br />masonry fence can be replaced with an engineered concrete sea wall that could act as a dam <br />at an estimated cost of $600,000. Staff has met with the mobile home park operator and <br />discussed the project. Since the work will occur on one parcel of land and since that same <br />parcel receives the flood protection there is little or no benefit to including the City in the <br />project. The property owner has not yet indicated what, if any, mitigation measures they plan <br />to pursue. A FEMA grant will be submitted for this proposed mitigation and if awarded it <br />would cover 75% of the cost leaving a 25% match of $150,000 as the responsibility of the <br />property owner. <br />Additionally, one property on Williams Street and three parcels in Heron Bay are added to the <br />100 year flood zone on the proposed FIRMs. There are no obvious mitigation projects that <br />can remove these three parcels from the zone. It may be that only a portion of these <br />properties is within the zone and the property owners can obtain relief from insurance <br />requirements by filing an elevation certificate. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Goal 29: Reduce the potential for injury, property damage, and loss of life resulting from <br />earthquakes, landslides, floods, and other natural disasters. <br />Environmental Review <br />An environmental review will be performed during the design phase of these projects. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 4111/2016 <br />
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