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File Number: 16-194 <br />the city. <br />Councilmember Prola requested that the Finance Committee review the draft Ordinance <br />provided by City Attorney Pio Roda (based on Berkeley's Ordinance), in which some things <br />were left out and that the Committee plug in the information that meets the needs of San <br />Leandro and come back to the April 5th meeting with the items plugged in. <br />Councilmember Prola also stated that advising all the citizens should be done at the same <br />time. <br />Mayor Cutter stated she wants to be thoughtful to all businesses in community and would like <br />to get their involvement and would have a better product. What is the Council's input? <br />Councilmember Lee firmly believes in two-tier system. Local business hire full-time <br />employees and national businesses do not and therefore can afford to pay more as they are <br />the ones paying minimum wage <br />Mayor Cutter would like to come back to the next meeting with a sample ordinance and wants <br />to notify businesses so they have an opportunity to speak. <br />City Manager Zapata confirmed the Committee's request that a minimum wage increase is <br />coming to San Leandro and at this time, there should be public outreach but no survey. Also, <br />staff is to bring a draft ordinance at the April 5, 2016 [meetings have been moved to the 1 st <br />Tuesday of the month beginning in April] Finance Committee meeting. At that time something <br />will be recommended to go to Council for their input. <br />Mayor Cutter stated that there are certain issues that should remain separate e.g. sick leave. <br />Councilmember Prola requested that the current report be modified to show implementation of <br />the minimum wage to reflect the year and not month. <br />Public Comments: <br />Doug Jones suggested the tier be between numbers of employees vs Local/National. <br />McDonalds are franchises and therefore should be treated as a local business and not <br />national. He also stated that local businesses typically focus on expenses but not the <br />revenue, which both will increase. The idea that produce at a local supermarket would <br />increase is not correct as produce companies are not in San Leandro and therefore would not <br />be affected by the minimum wage increase. <br />A resident of San Leandro and employee of Blue Bird Pizzeria stated that the owner pays <br />$11-$13/hour and is able to able to use quality ingredients. He is able to spend more, eat out <br />more in San Leandro with the better wages he is earning. He is a former employee of <br />Walmart, in which he was making the State minimum wage. He believes that paying more <br />than the current State minimum wage does not affect his current employer's business in <br />negative manner. <br />Another resident of San Leandro questioned why a person must work overtime to make ends <br />meet. Working overtime cuts into quality family time and people should not have to sacrifice <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 4111/2016 <br />