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File Number: 16-167 <br />from the extension of an existing one-half of one percent transaction and use tax scheduled to <br />terminate on March 31, 2022, and the augmentation of the tax by one-half of one percent. <br />The duration of the tax will be 30 years from the initial year of collection, which began April 1, <br />2015, with said tax to expire on March 31, 2045. The tax proceeds will be used to pay for the <br />investments outlined in the 2014 Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan ("2014 <br />TEP"), as it may be amended from time to time. <br />Alameda CTC staff developed a 10 -year Master Program Funding Agreement (MPFA) and <br />Implementation Guidelines that addresses each fund source and specifies definitions, <br />eligibility, and fund uses for each type of funding. The adoption of a new MPFA with the <br />Alameda CTC for Measure B, VRF and Measure BB funds will integrate funding requirements <br />of the three revenue sources and streamline monitoring and reporting. This agreement aims <br />to improve efficiencies for the City's reporting requirements and delineates the requirements <br />of the Direct Local Distribution (DLD) funds, which are allocated directly to local jurisdictions <br />and transit operators, as authorized by Measure B, Measure F for VRF and Measure BB and <br />as further detailed in the 2014 TEP. <br />Discretionary funds identified in the 2014 TEP are not the subject of this Agreement and the <br />City will have to enter into a separate agreement for those funds. The DLD funds will remain <br />available for distribution upon execution of this agreement. <br />Measure B Funds: The Measure B Sales & Use Tax generates approximately $104 million <br />per year for Alameda County. The City receives approximately $1.9 million per year of <br />Measure B DLD funds for three types of programs: <br />• Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety <br />• Local Streets and Roads <br />• Paratransit <br />The City's original Master Agreement with ACTC for these funds expires June 30, 2022; <br />however, that agreement is superseded by the subject MPFA. <br />Vehicle Registration Fee: This fee generates about $11 million per year for the County <br />through a $10 per year vehicle registration fee. The City will receive approximately $405,000 <br />per year of DLD funds for three types of programs: <br />• Local Streets and Roads <br />• Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects <br />The City's original Master Agreement with ACTC for these funds expires June 30, 2022; <br />however, that agreement is superseded by the subject MPFA. <br />Measure BB Funds: The Measure BB Sales Tax generates approximately $120 million per <br />year for Alameda County. The City will receive approximately $1.7 million per year of <br />Measure BB DLD funds for three types of programs: <br />• Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety <br />• Local Streets and Roads <br />• Paratransit <br />The City's Master Agreement with ACTC for these funds expires June 30, 2016. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 4/26/2016 <br />