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Reso 2016-046
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Reso 2016-046
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Annual Action Plan <br />2016 <br />1 <br />OMB Control No: 2506‐0117 (exp. 07/31/2015) <br /> <br />Executive Summary <br /> <br />AP‐05 Executive Summary ‐ 91.200(c), 91.220(b) <br /> <br />1. Introduction <br />The FY 2015‐2019 Five‐Year Housing and Community Development Strategic Plan (Consolidated Plan) <br />identifies the housing and community development needs in San Leandro and outlines the strategies for <br />meeting those needs. It updates the existing FY 2010‐2014 Five‐Year Consolidated Plan. The Draft FY <br />2016‐2017 Annual Action Plan (Action Plan) represents the second year of the FY 2015‐2019 <br />Consolidated Plan and implements the strategies through the use of Community Development Block <br />Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing <br />and Urban Development (HUD). <br /> <br />As a CDBG entitlement grantee, the City directly receives CDBG funds from HUD each year. In order to <br />receive its annual CDBG grant allocation from HUD, the City must update its Consolidated Plan every five <br />years and submit an Annual Action Plan to HUD. <br /> <br />The City participates in the Alameda County HOME Consortium, which is made up of Alameda County <br />and Alameda County cities, excluding Berkeley and Oakland. As such, the City must apply to the County <br />to receive its annual share of HOME funding. As part of this process, the City’s Annual Action Plans must <br />be submitted to Alameda County. The County serves as the lead agency for the Consortium and the <br />HOME Program and is responsible for submittal to HUD of the Annual Action Plan documents on behalf <br />of the entire Consortium. <br /> <br />There are three major goals identified for the funds under the Housing and Community Development <br />Act from which the CDBG Program originated: 1) Provide decent housing, 2) Provide a suitable living <br />environment, and 3) Expand economic opportunity. <br /> <br />In addition, CDBG funds must be used to meet one of three national objectives: 1) benefit low‐ and <br />moderate‐income persons, 2) aid in the prevention of slum and blight, or 3) meet an urgent need. Even <br />if a project is suitable for one of the City's eligible categories, it must also pass the low‐ and modorate‐ <br />income benefit test (at least 51% of the beneficiaries have incomes at or below 80% Area Median <br />Income or a project benefits an area with a majority of low‐moderate income people. <br />HOME funds, meanwhile, must be used specifically for housing opportunities for low‐ and moderate‐ <br />income persons. <br /> <br />The City will receive $650,261 in CDBG funds. In addition, the City will receive $156,659 in new HOME <br />funds available for general administration and affordable housing projects as part of the Alameda <br />County HOME Consortium. <br /> <br />2. Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan <br />After assessing the City's housing and community development priority needs, evaluating the Five‐Year <br />Strategic Plan objectives for FY 2015‐2019, and analyzing CDBG eligibility criteria, the City is proposing to <br />allocate its available CDBG dollars in the following eligible funding categories: Public Services, Public <br />Facilities, Housing Activities, and General Administration.
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