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File Number: 16-033 <br />Department will issue a RFP for a municipal lease. Lease rates are currently favorable, with <br />an anticipated annual interest rate of 3% or less. The net savings figures indicated above did <br />anticipate a lease arrangement for project implementation, hence the difference in projections <br />shown for lifecycle savings and net savings. Staff notes that the proposed municipal lease <br />agreement will be brought to Council for consideration at a future meeting, and that <br />implementation of Climatec documents is contingent upon the City Council's approval of said <br />lease. <br />Budget Authority <br />Due to forecasted water and power savings summarized in Attachment E, debt service and <br />consultant costs totaling approximately $452,000 per year will be available from accounts <br />currently used for payments to Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) and East Bay Municipal Utility <br />District (EBMUD). These adjustments will be discussed when the proposed financing is <br />presented. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />• Attachment A - Installation Agreement <br />• Attachment B - Measurement and Verification Agreement <br />• Attachment C - Projects Breakdown <br />• Attachment D - Environmental Benefits <br />• Attachment E - Estimated Cost Benefit Analysis <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Public Works Director <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 5110/2016 <br />