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File Number: 16-108 <br />This project is funded through the following appropriation: <br />·$470,000 from Measure WW Grant Funds in account 150-62-110, appropriated as part <br />of the FY 2012-13 budget <br />·$45,562 Measure WW Grant Funds in 150-62-110 transferred from the Resurface <br />Skate Park 150-62-112 WW funded project budget in FY 2013-14. <br />·$2,000 Measure WW Grant Funds in 150-62-110 transferred from the Resurface Skate <br />Park 150-62-112 WW funded project budget to fund the Construction Contract Change <br />Order Cap increase from $97,054 to $99,960 (40% to 41.2%) per CC Resolution 2016- <br />037 on March 21, 2016. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />·Post-construction photographs - San Leandro Ball Park & Restrooms <br />PREPARED BY: Mark Goralka, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2016