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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT, entered into on j1:v Z1, Wit, by and between the CITY OF SAN <br />LEANDRO, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City," and <br />Chill Build, LLC hereinafter referred to as "Owner." <br />In consideration of the granting of certain entitlement of use described as follows: issuance of <br />encroachment permits for the construction of public improvements, including installing a new easterly side <br />of San Leandro Boulevard soundwall between 2325 and 2377 Cherry Street, construction of new sidewalk, <br />construction of traffic signal system, and construction of a driveway access over existing Union Pacific <br />Railroad tracks, including the system interconnect; as shown on the improvement plans titled, "Offsite <br />Improvement Plans for 400 Polar Way, San Leandro, California", dated 22 April 2014; required to satisfy <br />conditions of approval for Preferred Freezer project at 400 Polar Way, San Leandro, California, Assessor's <br />Parcel Nos. 075 0087 008 00 and 075 0087 00102 hereinafter referred to as "Project." <br />It is mutually agreed as follows: <br />AGREEMENTS <br />Performance of Work. Owner agrees to furnish, construct, and install at his own expense <br />all required public improvements as shown on the plans prepared by Base Birge Engineering and identified <br />as Public Improvement Plans for Offsite Improvements for 400 Polar Way, San Leandro, California, a copy <br />of which is on file in the Office of the City Engineer and is incorporated herein by reference and all other <br />improvements required by the City Engineer based upon the standards imposed by Title VII, Chapter 8 of <br />the San Leandro Municipal Code of 1985 and the Standard Specifications adopted by the City of San <br />Leandro for public works. Owner's costs shall include all necessary relocation of existing utilities. <br />STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Page 1 of 14 <br />